From 14b81be09ff0cd51d18cb5ddfd926e86e4f27fe9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "(no author)" <(no author)@8a9318a1-56ba-4d59-b755-99d26321be01>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 23:22:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] added foundation work for vector data plotting (using
 quiver); added more work on ipopp visualization; major refactoring of
 plotting code to simplify and reorganize

git-svn-id: 8a9318a1-56ba-4d59-b755-99d26321be01
 pyglance/glance/       | 118 ++--
 pyglance/glance/         | 140 ++++-
 pyglance/glance/       | 544 ++++++++++++++++++
 pyglance/glance/       |  11 +-
 pyglance/glance/      |  30 +-
 pyglance/glance/            |   4 +-
 pyglance/glance/          | 951 +++----------------------------
 pyglance/glance/ | 945 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 1804 insertions(+), 939 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 pyglance/glance/
 create mode 100644 pyglance/glance/

diff --git a/pyglance/glance/ b/pyglance/glance/
index 7571197..5b1424e 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/
+++ b/pyglance/glance/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from pycdf import CDFError
 import as io
 import as delta
 import glance.plot as plot
+import glance.plotcreatefns as plotcreate
 import as report
 from urllib import quote
@@ -854,6 +855,9 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=[ ],
         LOG.debug ("do_not_test_with_lon_lat = " + str(do_not_test_with_lon_lat))
         LOG.debug ("include_images_for_this_variable = " + str(include_images_for_this_variable))
+        # handle vector data
+        isVectorData = False # TODO actually figure out if we have vector data from user inputted settings
         # check if this data can be displayed but
         # don't compare lon/lat sizes if we won't be plotting
         if ( (aData.shape == bData.shape) 
@@ -895,7 +899,7 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=[ ],
             # based on the settings and whether the variable passsed or failed,
             # should we include images for this variable?
             if ('only_plot_on_fail' in varRunInfo) and varRunInfo['only_plot_on_fail'] :
-                include_images_for_this_variable = include_images_for_this_variable and didPass
+                include_images_for_this_variable = include_images_for_this_variable and (not didPass)
                 varRunInfo['shouldIncludeImages'] = include_images_for_this_variable
             # to hold the names of any images created
@@ -908,78 +912,52 @@ def reportGen_library_call (a_path, b_path, var_list=[ ],
             # TODO, will need to handle averaged/sliced 3D data at some point
             if (include_images_for_this_variable) :
-                # if we only have 1D data, we will want a line plot
-                if (len(aData.shape) is 1) :
-                    image_names['original'], image_names['compared'] = \
-                        plot.plot_and_save_comparison_figures \
-                                    (aData, bData,
-                                     plot.make_line_plot_plotting_functions,
-                                     varRunInfo['variable_dir'],
-                                     displayName,
-                                     varRunInfo['epsilon'],
-                                     varRunInfo['missing_value'],
-                                     missingValueAltInB = varRunInfo['missingValueAltInB'] if 'missingValueAltInB' in varRunInfo else None,
-                                     makeSmall=True,
-                                     doFork=runInfo['doFork'],
-                                     shouldClearMemoryWithThreads=runInfo['useThreadsToControlMemory'],
-                                     shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=runInfo['useSharedRangeForOriginal'],
-                                     doPlotOriginal = varRunInfo['do_plot_originals'] if 'do_plot_originals' in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotAbsDiff  = varRunInfo['do_plot_abs_diff']  if 'do_plot_abs_diff'  in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotSubDiff  = varRunInfo['do_plot_sub_diff']  if 'do_plot_sub_diff'  in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotTrouble  = varRunInfo['do_plot_trouble']   if 'do_plot_trouble'   in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotHistogram= varRunInfo['do_plot_histogram'] if 'do_plot_histogram' in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotScatter  = varRunInfo['do_plot_scatter']   if 'do_plot_scatter'   in varRunInfo else True)
+                plotFunctionGenerationObjects = [ ]
+                # if the data is the same size, we can always make our basic statistical comparison plots
+                if (aData.shape == bData.shape) :
+                    plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory())
+                # TODO, need a way to match data if it is not the same shape
+                # if it's vector data with longitude and latitude, quiver plot it on the Earth
+                if isVectorData and (not do_not_test_with_lon_lat) :
+                    plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory())
+                # if the data is one dimensional we can plot it as lines
+                elif   (len(aData.shape) is 1) :
+                    plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.LinePlotsFunctionFactory())
+                # if the data is 2D we have some options based on the type of data
                 elif (len(aData.shape) is 2) :
-                    # create 2D images comparing the variable
-                    print("\tcreating figures for: " + explanationName)
-                    if do_not_test_with_lon_lat :
-                        # plot our non lon/lat info
-                        image_names['original'], image_names['compared'] = \
-                            plot.plot_and_save_comparison_figures \
-                                    (aData, bData,
-                                     plot.make_pure_data_plotting_functions,
-                                     varRunInfo['variable_dir'],
-                                     displayName,
-                                     varRunInfo['epsilon'],
-                                     varRunInfo['missing_value'],
-                                     missingValueAltInB = varRunInfo['missingValueAltInB'] if 'missingValueAltInB' in varRunInfo else None,
-                                     makeSmall=True,
-                                     doFork=runInfo['doFork'],
-                                     shouldClearMemoryWithThreads=runInfo['useThreadsToControlMemory'],
-                                     shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=runInfo['useSharedRangeForOriginal'],
-                                     doPlotOriginal = varRunInfo['do_plot_originals'] if 'do_plot_originals' in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotAbsDiff  = varRunInfo['do_plot_abs_diff']  if 'do_plot_abs_diff'  in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotSubDiff  = varRunInfo['do_plot_sub_diff']  if 'do_plot_sub_diff'  in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotTrouble  = varRunInfo['do_plot_trouble']   if 'do_plot_trouble'   in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotHistogram= varRunInfo['do_plot_histogram'] if 'do_plot_histogram' in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotScatter  = varRunInfo['do_plot_scatter']   if 'do_plot_scatter'   in varRunInfo else True)
+                    # if the data is not mapped to a longitude and latitude, just show it as an image
+                    if (do_not_test_with_lon_lat) :
+                        plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.IMShowPlotFunctionFactory())
+                    # if it's 2D and mapped to the Earth, contour plot it on the earth
                     else :
-                        # plot our lon/lat related info
-                        image_names['original'], image_names['compared'] = \
-                            plot.plot_and_save_comparison_figures \
-                                    (aData, bData,
-                                     plot.make_geolocated_plotting_functions,
-                                     varRunInfo['variable_dir'],
-                                     displayName,
-                                     varRunInfo['epsilon'],
-                                     varRunInfo['missing_value'],
-                                     missingValueAltInB = varRunInfo['missingValueAltInB'] if 'missingValueAltInB' in varRunInfo else None,
-                                     lonLatDataDict=lon_lat_data,
-                                     dataRanges     = varRunInfo['display_ranges']      if 'display_ranges'      in varRunInfo else None,
-                                     dataRangeNames = varRunInfo['display_range_names'] if 'display_range_names' in varRunInfo else None,
-                                     dataColors     = varRunInfo['display_colors']      if 'display_colors'      in varRunInfo else None,
-                                     makeSmall=True,
-                                     doFork=runInfo['doFork'],
-                                     shouldClearMemoryWithThreads=runInfo['useThreadsToControlMemory'],
-                                     shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=runInfo['useSharedRangeForOriginal'],
-                                     doPlotOriginal = varRunInfo['do_plot_originals'] if 'do_plot_originals' in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotAbsDiff  = varRunInfo['do_plot_abs_diff']  if 'do_plot_abs_diff'  in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotSubDiff  = varRunInfo['do_plot_sub_diff']  if 'do_plot_sub_diff'  in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotTrouble  = varRunInfo['do_plot_trouble']   if 'do_plot_trouble'   in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotHistogram= varRunInfo['do_plot_histogram'] if 'do_plot_histogram' in varRunInfo else True,
-                                     doPlotScatter  = varRunInfo['do_plot_scatter']   if 'do_plot_scatter'   in varRunInfo else True)
+                        plotFunctionGenerationObjects.append(plotcreate.MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory())
+                # plot our lon/lat related info
+                image_names['original'], image_names['compared'] = \
+                    plot.plot_and_save_comparison_figures \
+                            (aData, bData,
+                             plotFunctionGenerationObjects,
+                             varRunInfo['variable_dir'],
+                             displayName,
+                             varRunInfo['epsilon'],
+                             varRunInfo['missing_value'],
+                             missingValueAltInB = varRunInfo['missingValueAltInB'] if 'missingValueAltInB' in varRunInfo else None,
+                             lonLatDataDict=lon_lat_data,
+                             dataRanges     = varRunInfo['display_ranges']      if 'display_ranges'      in varRunInfo else None,
+                             dataRangeNames = varRunInfo['display_range_names'] if 'display_range_names' in varRunInfo else None,
+                             dataColors     = varRunInfo['display_colors']      if 'display_colors'      in varRunInfo else None,
+                             makeSmall=True,
+                             doFork=runInfo['doFork'],
+                             shouldClearMemoryWithThreads=runInfo['useThreadsToControlMemory'],
+                             shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=runInfo['useSharedRangeForOriginal'],
+                             doPlotSettingsDict = varRunInfo)
                 print("\tfinished creating figures for: " + explanationName)
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/ b/pyglance/glance/
index 6169b9f..aac25e4 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/
+++ b/pyglance/glance/
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ def corr(x,y,mask):
         return nan
     return compute_r(xf,yf)[0]
+# TODO, should this ultimately be removed?
 def rms_corr_withnoise(truth, actual, noiz, epsilon=0., (amissing,bmissing)=(None,None), plot=None):
     """ compute RMS and R statistics for truth vs actual and truth+noiz vs actual
@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ def stats(diffData, mask, *etc):
         return { }
     absDiffData = abs(diffData)
-    rms = sqrt( sum(diffData[mask] ** 2) / sum(mask) )   
+    rms = calculate_root_mean_square(diffData, mask)
     return {    'rms_diff': rms, 
                 'std_diff': std(absDiffData[mask]), 
                 'mean_diff': mean(absDiffData[mask]), 
@@ -176,6 +177,143 @@ def stats(diffData, mask, *etc):
                 'max_diff': max(absDiffData[mask])
+def convert_mag_dir_to_U_V_vector(magnitude_data, direction_data, invalidMask=None):
+    """
+    This method is intended to convert magnitude and direction data into (U, V) vector data.
+    An invalid mask may be given if some of the points in the set should be masked out.
+    TODO, this method is not fully tested
+    """
+    if invalidMask is None :
+        invalidMask = zeros(magnitude_data.shape, dtype=bool)
+    uData = zeros(magnitude_data.shape, dtype=float)
+    uData[invalidMask]  = nan
+    uData[~invalidMask] = magnitude_data[~invalidMask] * cos (direction_data[~invalidMask])
+    vData = zeros(magnitude_data.shape, dtype=float)
+    vData[invalidMask]  = nan
+    vData[~invalidMask] = magnitude_data[~invalidMask] * sin (direction_data[~invalidMask])
+    return uData, vData
+def calculate_root_mean_square (data, goodMask=None) :
+    """
+    calculate the root mean square of the data,
+    possibly selecting only the points in the given
+    goodMask, if no mask is given, all points will
+    be used
+    """
+    if goodMask is None:
+        goodMask = np.ones(data.shape, dtype=bool)
+    rootMeanSquare = sqrt( sum( data[goodMask] ** 2 ) / sum( goodMask ) )
+    return rootMeanSquare
+def organize_dimensions_and_produce_rms_info(dataA, dataB, binDimensionIndexNum, tupleDimensionIndexNum,
+                                             epsilon=0., (a_missing_value, b_missing_value)=(None, None),
+                                             (ignore_mask_a, ignore_mask_b)=(None, None)) :
+    """
+    reorganize the dimensions in the given data sets in order to put the bin dimension first
+    and the tuple dimension last
+    collapse all other dimensions into a single "case" dimension, but preserve information on their
+    previous shape so that the coresponding index of a given case can be recovered
+    once the data is reshaped to the desired ordering with the appopriate set of cases, diff the
+    data and calculate the rms on a per case basis
+    return reshaped original and diffrence data sets, masks as corresponding to the output of diff and
+    matching the shape of the reshaped data, and information on the shape of the collapsed case dimensions
+    TODO, this method has not yet been tested or integrated with the rest of glance
+    """
+    # make sure we meet the minimal requirement for compatable shapes/index sizes
+    assert(dataA.shape is dataB.shape)
+    assert(binDimensionIndexNum   < len(dataA.shape))
+    assert(tupleDimensionIndexNum < len(dataA.shape))
+    assert(tupleDimensionIndexNum is not binDimensionIndexNum)
+    # figure out the order to put the index we want first
+    new_index_order = range(len(dataA.shape))
+    smaller = tupleDimensionIndexNum
+    larger  = binDimensionIndexNum
+    if (tupleDimensionIndexNum > binDimensionIndexNum) :
+        larger  = tupleDimensionIndexNum
+        smaller = binDimensionIndexNum
+    del(new_index_order[larger])
+    del(new_index_order[smaller])
+    new_index_order = [binDimensionIndexNum] + new_index_order + [tupleDimensionIndexNum]
+    # copy our data, then put the indexes into the new order
+    new_a_data = dataA.copy()
+    new_a_data = new_a_data.transpose(new_index_order)
+    new_b_data = dataB.copy()
+    new_b_data = new_b_data.transpose(new_index_order)
+    # if our masks need to be reordered, do that
+    new_a_missing_mask = a_missing_mask
+    if new_a_missing_mask is not None :
+        new_a_missing_mask = new_a_missing_mask.copy()
+        new_a_missing_mask = new_a_missing_mask.transpose(new_index_order)
+    new_b_missing_mask = b_missing_mask
+    if new_b_missing_mask is not None :
+        new_b_missing_mask = new_b_missing_mask.copy()
+        new_b_missing_mask = new_b_missing_mask.transpose(new_index_order)
+    new_a_ignore_mask = ignore_mask_a
+    if new_a_ignore_mask is not None :
+        new_a_ignore_mask = new_a_ignore_mask.copy()
+        new_a_ignore_mask = new_a_ignore_mask.transpose(new_index_order)
+    new_b_ignore_mask = ignore_mask_b
+    if new_b_ignore_mask is not None :
+        new_b_ignore_mask = new_b_ignore_mask.copy()
+        new_b_ignore_mask = new_b_ignore_mask.transpose(new_index_order)
+    # get the shape information on the internal dimensions we're going to combine
+    case_dimension_original_shape = new_b_data.shape[1:-1]
+    # combine the internal dimensions, to figure out what shape things
+    # will be with the flattened cases
+    numDimensionsToFlatten = len(case_dimension_original_shape)
+    sizeAfterFlattened = np.multiply.accumulate(case_dimension_original_shape)[-1]
+    newShape = (new_a_data.shape[0], sizeAfterFlattened, new_a_data.shape[-1])
+    # flatten the case dimensions
+    new_a_data = new_a_data.reshape(newShape)
+    new_b_data = new_b_data.reshape(newShape)
+    if new_a_missing_mask is not None :
+        new_a_missing_mask = new_a_missing_mask.reshape(newShape)
+    if new_b_missing_mask is not None :
+        new_b_missing_mask = new_b_missing_mask.reshape(newShape)
+    if new_a_ignore_mask is not None :
+        new_a_ignore_mask = new_a_ignore_mask.reshape(newShape)
+    if new_b_ignore_mask is not None :
+        new_b_ignore_mask = new_b_ignore_mask.reshape(newShape)
+    # diff our data
+    rawDiffData, goodInBothMask, (goodInAMask, goodInBMask), troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask, \
+        (aNotFiniteMask, bNotFiniteMask), (aMissingMask, bMissingMask), (finalAIgnoreMask, finalBIgnoreMask) = diffOutput = \
+            diff(new_a_data, new_b_data, epsilon, (new_a_missing_mask, new_b_missing_mask), (new_a_ignore_mask, new_b_ignore_mask))
+    # calculate the rms diffs for all the cases
+    caseRMSInfo = np.zeros(rawDiffData.shape[:-1], dtype=np.float64)
+    # TODO, how to do this without a loop?
+    for caseNum in range(sizeAfterFlattened) :
+        caseRMSInfo[caseNum] = calculate_root_mean_square(rawDiffData[caseNum], goodMask=goodInBothMask[caseNum])
+    # return the reshaped original data,
+    # information on the original shape of the case dimension that was flattened,
+    # the rms diff info,
+    # and then the full set of info that came out of the diff between the reshaped a and b data
+    return (new_a_data, new_b_data), case_dimension_original_shape, caseRMSInfo, diffOutput
+    """
+    diffOutput is in the form:
+        rawDiffData, goodInBothMask, (goodInAMask, goodInBMask), troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask, \
+        (aNotFiniteMask, bNotFiniteMask), (aMissingMask, bMissingMask), (finalAIgnoreMask, finalBIgnoreMask)
+    """
 def _get_num_perfect(a, b, ignoreMask=None):
     numPerfect = 0
     if not (ignoreMask is None) :
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/ b/pyglance/glance/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4228719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglance/glance/
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+Plotting routines for different types of figures using matplotlib
+Created by evas Dec 2009.
+Copyright (c) 2009 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.
+# these first two lines must stay before the pylab import
+import matplotlib
+matplotlib.use('Agg') # use the Anti-Grain Geometry rendering engine
+from pylab import *
+from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib import cm
+import matplotlib.colors as colors
+from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
+from PIL import Image
+import os, sys, logging
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import ma 
+import as maps
+import    as delta
+import   as report
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# TODO this value is being used to work around a problem with the contourf
+# and how it handles range boundaries. Find a better solution if at all possible.
+offsetToRange = 0.0000000000000000001
+# make an all green color map
+greenColorMapData = {
+    'red'   : ((0.0, 0.00, 0.00),
+               (1.0, 0.00, 0.00)),
+    'green' : ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
+               (1.0, 1.00, 1.00)),
+    'blue'  : ((0.0, 0.00, 0.00),
+               (1.0, 0.00, 0.00))
+greenColorMap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('greenColorMap', greenColorMapData, 256)
+# todo, the use off the offset here is covering a problem with
+# contourf hiding data exactly at the end of the range and should
+# be removed if a better solution can be found
+def _make_range(data_a, invalid_a_mask, num_intervals, offset_to_range=0.0, data_b=None, invalid_b_mask=None) :
+    """
+    get an array with numbers representing the bounds of a set of ranges
+    that covers all the data present in data_a
+    (these may be used for plotting the data)
+    if an offset is passed, the outtermost range will be expanded by that much
+    if the b data is passed, a total range that encompasses both sets of
+    data will be used
+    """
+    minVal = delta.min_with_mask(data_a, invalid_a_mask)
+    maxVal = delta.max_with_mask(data_a, invalid_a_mask)
+    # if we have a second set of data, include it in the min/max calculations
+    if (data_b is not None) :
+        minVal = min(delta.min_with_mask(data_b, invalid_b_mask), minVal)
+        maxVal = max(delta.max_with_mask(data_b, invalid_b_mask), maxVal)
+    minVal = minVal - offset_to_range
+    maxVal = maxVal + offset_to_range
+    return np.linspace(minVal, maxVal, num_intervals)
+def _plot_tag_data_simple(tagData) :
+    """
+    This method will plot tag data listed as true in the
+    tagData mask on the current figure. It is assumed that
+    the correlation between the mask and the pixel coordinates
+    is exact (ie. no translation is needed).
+    The return will be the number of points plotted or
+    -1 if no valid tagData was given.
+    """
+    numTroublePoints = -1
+    # if there are "tag" masks, plot them over the existing map
+    if not (tagData is None) :
+        numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
+        # if we have trouble points, we need to show them
+        if numTroublePoints > 0:
+            # figure out how many bad points there are
+            totalNumPoints = tagData.size # the number of points
+            percentBad = (float(numTroublePoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
+            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
+            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of trouble points: ' + str(percentBad))
+            new_kwargs = {}
+            new_kwargs['cmap'] = greenColorMap
+            cleanTagData = ma.array(tagData, mask=~tagData)
+            p = contourf(cleanTagData, **new_kwargs)
+            # TODO, need to incorporate plot for small numbers of pts
+        # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
+        troublePtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numTroublePoints) + ' Trouble Points'
+        # if our plot is more complex, add clarification
+        if numTroublePoints > 0 :
+            troublePtString = troublePtString + ' in Green'
+        plt.xlabel(troublePtString)
+    return numTroublePoints
+def _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y, addExplinationLabel=True) :
+    """
+    This method will plot the tagged data listed as true in the tagData mask
+    on the current figure using the given basemap.
+    A message will also be added below the map describing the number of
+    points plotted, unless the addExplinationLabel variable is passed as False.
+    The return will be the number of points plotted or
+    -1 if no valid tagData was given.
+    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y)
+    """
+    numTroublePoints = -1
+    # if there are "tag" masks, plot them over the existing map
+    if (tagData is not None) and (tagData.size > 0) :
+        # look at how many trouble points we have
+        numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
+        neededHighlighting = False
+        if numTroublePoints > 0 :
+            # pick out the cooridinates of the points we want to plot
+            newX = np.array(x[tagData])
+            newY = np.array(y[tagData])
+            print ("****newX type: " + str(type(newX)))
+            print ("****newY type: " + str(type(newY)))
+            # figure out how many bad points there are
+            totalNumPoints = x.size # the number of points
+            percentBad = (float(numTroublePoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
+            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
+            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of trouble points: ' + str(percentBad))
+            # if there are very few points, make them easier to notice
+            # by plotting some colored circles underneath them
+            if (percentBad < 0.25) or (totalNumPoints < 20) :
+                neededHighlighting = True
+                p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, 'o', color='#993399', markersize=5)
+            elif (percentBad < 1.0) or (totalNumPoints < 200) :
+                neededHighlighting = True
+                p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, 'o', color='#993399', markersize=3)
+            # if there are way too many trouble points, we can't use plot for this
+            if (numTroublePoints > 1000000) :
+                new_kwargs = {}
+                new_kwargs['cmap'] = greenColorMap
+                p = maps.show_x_y_data(x, y, bMap, data=tagData, **new_kwargs)
+            else :
+                # plot our point on top of the existing figure
+                p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, '.', color='#00FF00', markersize=1)
+        if addExplinationLabel :
+            # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
+            # I'm not thrilled with this solution for getting it below the labels drawn by the basemap
+            # but I don't think there's a better one at the moment given matplotlib's workings
+            troublePtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numTroublePoints) + ' Trouble Points'
+            # if our plot is more complex, add clarification
+            if numTroublePoints > 0 :
+                troublePtString = troublePtString + ' in Green'
+                if neededHighlighting :
+                    troublePtString = troublePtString + '\nwith Purple Circles for Visual Clarity'
+            plt.xlabel(troublePtString)
+    return numTroublePoints
+# build a scatter plot of the x,y points
+def create_scatter_plot(dataX, dataY, title, xLabel, yLabel, badMask=None, epsilon=None) :
+    # make the figure
+    figure = plt.figure()
+    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
+    # if we have "bad" data to plot, pull it out
+    badX = None
+    badY = None
+    if (badMask != None) :
+        badX = dataX[badMask]
+        badY = dataY[badMask]
+        dataX = dataX[~badMask]
+        dataY = dataY[~badMask]
+    # the scatter plot of the good data 
+    axes.plot(dataX, dataY, 'b,', label='within\nepsilon')
+    # plot the bad data
+    numTroublePts = 0
+    if (badX is not None) and (badY is not None) and (badMask is not None) :
+        numTroublePts = badX.shape[0]
+        LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points in scatter plot: ' + str(badX.shape[0]))
+        if numTroublePts > 0 :
+            axes.plot(badX, badY, 'r,', label='outside\nepsilon')
+    # draw the line for the "perfect fit" 
+    xbounds = axes.get_xbound()
+    xrange = xbounds[1] - xbounds[0]
+    ybounds = axes.get_ybound()
+    yrange = ybounds[1] - ybounds[0]
+    perfect = [max(xbounds[0], ybounds[0]), min(xbounds[1], ybounds[1])]
+    axes.plot(perfect, perfect, 'k--', label='A = B')
+    # now draw the epsilon bound lines if they are visible and the lines won't be the same as A = B
+    if (not (epsilon is None)) and (epsilon > 0.0) and (epsilon < xrange) and (epsilon < yrange):
+        # plot the top line
+        axes.plot([perfect[0], perfect[1] - epsilon], [perfect[0] + epsilon, perfect[1]], '--', color='#00FF00', label='+/-epsilon')
+        # plot the bottom line
+        axes.plot([perfect[0] + epsilon, perfect[1]], [perfect[0], perfect[1] - epsilon], '--', color='#00FF00')
+    # make a key to explain our plot
+    # as long as things have been plotted with proper labels they should show up here
+    axes.legend(loc=0, markerscale=3.0) # Note: at the moment markerscale doesn't seem to work
+    # and some informational stuff
+    axes.set_title(title)
+    plt.xlabel(xLabel)
+    plt.ylabel(yLabel)
+    # format our axes so they display gracefully
+    yFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%4.4g")
+    axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yFormatter)
+    xFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%4.4g")
+    axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xFormatter)
+    return figure
+# build a histogram figure of the given data with the given title and number of bins
+def create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
+    # make the figure
+    figure = plt.figure()
+    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
+    if (data is None) or (len(data) <= 0) :
+        return figure
+    # the histogram of the data
+    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data, bins)
+    # format our axes so they display gracefully
+    yFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%3.3g")
+    axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yFormatter)
+    xFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%.4g")
+    axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xFormatter)
+    # and some informational stuff
+    axes.set_title(title)
+    plt.xlabel(xLabel)
+    plt.ylabel(yLabel)
+    # if stats were passed in, put some of the information on the graph
+    # the location is in the form x, y (I think)
+    if displayStats :
+        # info on the basic stats
+        tempMask = ones(data.shape,dtype=bool)
+        tempStats = delta.stats(data, tempMask, None)
+        medianVal = tempStats['median_diff']
+        meanVal = tempStats['mean_diff']
+        stdVal = tempStats['std_diff']
+        numPts = data.size
+        # info on the display of our statistics
+        xbounds = axes.get_xbound()
+        numBinsToUse = len(bins)
+        xrange = xbounds[1] - xbounds[0]
+        binSize = xrange / float(numBinsToUse)
+        # build the display string
+        statText = ('%1.2e' % numPts) + ' data points'
+        statText = statText + '\n' + 'mean: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(meanVal)
+        statText = statText + '\n' + 'median: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(medianVal)
+        statText = statText + '\n' + 'std: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(stdVal)
+        statText = statText + '\n\n' + 'bins: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(numBinsToUse)
+        statText = statText + '\n' + 'bin size ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(binSize)
+        # figure out where to place the text and put it on the figure
+        centerOfDisplay = xbounds[0] + (float(xrange) / 2.0)
+        xValToUse = 0.67
+        # if most of the values will be on the right, move our text to the left...
+        if (medianVal > centerOfDisplay) :
+            xValToUse = 0.17
+        figtext(xValToUse, 0.60, statText)
+    return figure
+# create a figure including our data mapped onto a map at the lon/lat given
+# the colorMap parameter can be used to control the colors the figure is drawn in
+# if any masks are passed in the tagData list they will be plotted as an overlays
+# set on the existing image
+def create_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes, title,
+                          invalidMask=None, colorMap=None, tagData=None,
+                          dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataRangeColors=None, **kwargs) :
+    # make a clean version of our lon/lat
+    latitudeClean  = ma.array(latitude,  mask=~invalidMask)
+    longitudeClean = ma.array(longitude, mask=~invalidMask)
+    # build the plot
+    figure = plt.figure()
+    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
+    # build extra info to go to the map plotting function
+    kwargs = { }
+    # figure the range for the color bars
+    # this is controllable with the "dataRanges" parameter for discrete data display
+    if not (data is None) :
+        if dataRanges is None :
+            dataRanges = _make_range(data, invalidMask, 50, offset_to_range=offsetToRange)
+        else: # make sure the user range will not discard data TODO, find a better way to handle this
+            dataRanges[0] = dataRanges[0] - offsetToRange
+            dataRanges[len(dataRanges) - 1] = dataRanges[len(dataRanges) - 1] + offsetToRange
+        kwargs['levelsToUse'] = dataRanges
+        if dataRangeColors is not None :
+            kwargs['colors'] = dataRangeColors # add in the list of colors (may be None)
+    # if we've got a color map, pass it to the list of things we want to tell the plotting function
+    if not (colorMap is None) :
+        kwargs['cmap'] = colorMap
+    # draw our data placed on a map
+    #bMap, x, y = maps.mapshow(longitudeClean, latitudeClean, data, boundingAxes, **kwargs)
+    maps.draw_basic_features(baseMapInstance, boundingAxes)
+    bMap, x, y = maps.show_lon_lat_data(longitudeClean, latitudeClean, baseMapInstance, data=data, **kwargs)
+    # and some informational stuff
+    axes.set_title(title)
+    # show a generic color bar
+    doLabelRanges = False
+    if not (data is None) :
+        cbar = colorbar(format='%.3f')
+        # if there are specific requested labels, add them
+        if not (dataRangeNames is None) :
+            # if we don't have exactly the right number of range names to label the ranges
+            # then label the tick marks
+            if not (len(dataRangeNames) is (len(dataRanges) - 1)) :
+            else : # we will want to label the ranges themselves
+       # todo, this line is temporary
+                doLabelRanges = True
+    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagData, x, y)
+    print ('number of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
+    # if we still need to label the ranges, do it now that our fake axis won't mess the trouble points up
+    if doLabelRanges :
+        """ TODO get this working properly
+        fakeAx = plt.axes ([0.77, 0.05, 0.2, 0.9], frameon=False)
+        fakeAx.xaxis.set_visible(False)
+        fakeAx.yaxis.set_visible(False)
+        testRect = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="r")
+        legendKey = fakeAx.legend([testRect], ["r\n\n\n"], mode="expand", ncol=1, borderaxespad=0.)
+        """
+    return figure
+# create a figure including a quiver plot of our vector data mapped onto a map at the lon/lat
+# given, the colorMap parameter can be used to control the colors the figure is drawn.
+# if any masks are passed in the tagData list they will be plotted as an overlays
+# set on the existing image
+# TODO, this method has not been throughly tested
+def create_quiver_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes, title,
+                          invalidMask=None, tagData=None, uData=None, vData=None,  **kwargs) :
+    # make a clean version of our lon/lat/data
+    latitudeClean  =  latitude[~invalidMask]
+    longitudeClean = longitude[~invalidMask]
+    colorData      = None
+    if (data is not None) :
+        colorData  =      data[~invalidMask]
+    uDataClean     = None
+    vDataClean     = None
+    if (uData is not None) and (vData is not None) :
+        uDataClean =     uData[~invalidMask]
+        vDataClean =     vData[~invalidMask]
+    tagDataClean   = None
+    if tagData is not None :
+        tagDataClean = tagData[~invalidMask]
+    # build the plot
+    figure = plt.figure()
+    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
+    # draw our data placed on a map
+    maps.draw_basic_features(baseMapInstance, boundingAxes)
+    bMap, x, y = maps.show_quiver_plot (longitudeClean, latitudeClean, baseMapInstance, (uData, vData), colordata=colorData)
+    # show the title
+    axes.set_title(title)
+    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_mapped(bMap, tagDataClean, x, y)
+    return figure
+def create_simple_figure(data, figureTitle, invalidMask=None, tagData=None, colorMap=None) :
+    """
+    create a simple figure showing the data given masked by the invalid mask
+    any tagData passed in will be interpreted as trouble points on the image and plotted as a
+    filled contour overlay in green on the image
+    if a colorMap is given it will be used to plot the data,
+    if not the default colorMap for imshow will be used
+    """
+    cleanData = ma.array(data, mask=invalidMask)
+    # build the plot
+    figure = plt.figure()
+    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
+    # build extra info to go to the map plotting function
+    kwargs = { } 
+    # if we've got a color map, pass it to the list of things we want to tell the plotting function
+    if not (colorMap is None) :
+        kwargs['cmap'] = colorMap
+    if (data is not None) and (sum(invalidMask) < invalidMask.size) :
+        # draw our data
+        im = imshow(cleanData, **kwargs)
+        # make a color bar
+        cbar = colorbar(format='%.3f')
+    # and some informational stuff
+    axes.set_title(figureTitle)
+    numTroublePoints = _plot_tag_data_simple(tagData)
+    return figure
+def create_line_plot_figure(dataList, figureTitle) :
+    """
+    create a basic line plot of the data vs. it's index, ignoring any invalid data
+    if tagData is given, under-label those points with green circles
+    Each entry in the dataList should be a tupple containing:
+            (data, invalidMask, colorString, labelName, tagData)
+    The color string describes a color for plotting in matplotlib.
+    The label names will be used for the legend, which will be shown if there is
+    more than one set of data plotted or if there is tag data plotted. Invalid
+    masks, colors, and label names may be given as None, in which case no data
+    will be masked and a default label of "data#" (where # is an arbitrary
+    unique counter) will be used.
+    tagData may also be passed as None if tagging is not desired in the output.
+    """
+    # build the plot
+    figure = plt.figure()
+    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
+    # plot each of the data sets
+    dataSetLabelNumber = 1
+    minTagPts  = -1
+    maxTagPts  = -1
+    plottedTagData = False
+    for dataSet, invalidMask, colorString, labelName, tagData in dataList :
+        # if we don't have these, set them to defaults
+        if invalidMask is None :
+            invalidMask = zeros(dataSet.shape, dtype=bool)
+        if labelName is None :
+            labelName = 'data' + str(dataSetLabelNumber)
+            dataSetLabelNumber = dataSetLabelNumber + 1
+        if colorString is None:
+            colorString = ''
+        if (dataSet is not None) and (sum(invalidMask) < invalidMask.size) :
+            # if we don't have a real min yet, set it based on the size
+            if minTagPts < 0 :
+                minTagPts = dataSet.size + 1
+            indexData = ma.array(range(dataSet.size), mask=invalidMask)
+            cleanData = ma.array(dataSet,             mask=invalidMask)
+            # plot the tag data and gather information about it
+            if tagData is not None :
+                plottedTagData = True
+                numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
+                LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
+                if numTroublePoints < minTagPts:
+                    minTagPts = numTroublePoints
+                if numTroublePoints > maxTagPts :
+                    maxTagPts = numTroublePoints
+                # if we have trouble points, we need to show them
+                if numTroublePoints > 0:
+                    cleanTagData = ma.array(dataSet, mask=~tagData | invalidMask)
+                    axes.plot(indexData, cleanTagData, 'yo', label='trouble point')
+            axes.plot(indexData, cleanData, '-' + colorString, label=labelName)
+    # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed
+    # a set of tag data and we were able to compare it to some actual data
+    if (plottedTagData and (minTagPts >= 0) and (maxTagPts >=0)) :
+        troublePtString = '\nMarking '
+        if (minTagPts == maxTagPts) :
+            troublePtString = troublePtString + str(minTagPts) + ' Trouble Points with Yellow Circles'
+        else :
+            troublePtString = (troublePtString + 'between ' + str(minTagPts) + ' and ' + str(maxTagPts) + ' Trouble Points'
+                               + '\non the various data sets (using Yellow Circles)')
+        plt.xlabel(troublePtString)
+    if (len(dataList) > 1) or plottedTagData :
+        # make a key to explain our plot
+        # as long as things have been plotted with proper labels they should show up here
+        #axes.legend(loc=0, markerscale=3.0) # Note: at the moment markerscale doesn't seem to work # TODO, turn back on?
+        pass
+    # and some informational stuff
+    axes.set_title(figureTitle)
+    return figure
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod()
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/ b/pyglance/glance/
index ba81d09..03b9f55 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/
+++ b/pyglance/glance/
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def collapse_to_index(data, index, collapsing_function=np.mean,
     new_data = new_data.transpose(new_index_order)
     # find any bad points that we don't want to collapse
-    bad_mask = np.zeros(new_data.shape, dtype=bool)
+    bad_mask = ~np.isfinite(new_data)
     if missing_value is not None :
         bad_mask[new_data == missing_value] = True
     if ignore_above_exclusive is not None :
@@ -217,8 +217,13 @@ def organize_ipopp_data_into_image(original_ipopp_data, wave_number=None, missin
-                  block of the 9 detectors (TODO order?
-                  for the moment assuming increasing linear by line then field of regard)
+                  block of the 9 detectors
+                  with the index to physical mapping:
+                  0 1 2
+                  3 4 5
+                  6 7 8
                   for each detector point, if the wave_number was given
                   in the parameters, that specific interferogram data pt will be used
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/ b/pyglance/glance/
index a6bfa40..c204100 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/
+++ b/pyglance/glance/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def create_basemap (lon, lat=None, axis=None, projection='lcc', resolution='i')
     m = None
     if projection is 'ortho' :
         # orthographic projections require this call
-        m = Basemap(resolution=resolution, projection=projection,
+        m = Basemap(resolution=resolution, area_thresh=10000., projection=projection,
                     lat_0=lat_mid, lon_0=lon_mid)
     else :
         # most of the other projections use this call
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ def draw_basic_features(baseMapInstance, axis) :
     lat_top    = axis[3] 
     # draw the parallels and meridians
-    parallels = arange(-80.,90,abs(lat_top - lat_bottom) / 4)
+    parallels = arange(-80.,90.,abs(lat_top - lat_bottom) / 4.0)
-    meridians = arange(0.,360.,abs(lon_left - lon_right) / 4)
+    meridians = arange(0., 360.,abs(lon_left - lon_right) / 4.0)
@@ -108,18 +108,36 @@ def show_x_y_data(x, y, baseMapInstance, data=None, levelsToUse=None, **kwargs)
     artistsAdded = [ ]
     # only try to plot the data if there is some
-    if data!=None:
+    if data is not None:
         newX    = make_2D_version_if_needed(x,    badLonLat)
         newY    = make_2D_version_if_needed(y,    badLonLat)
         newData = make_2D_version_if_needed(data, nan)
-        if levelsToUse != None :
+        if levelsToUse is not None :
             p = baseMapInstance.contourf(newX, newY, newData, levelsToUse, **kwargs)
         else :
             p = baseMapInstance.contourf(newX, newY, newData, **kwargs)
-    # return the original x and y so the match any external data in shape
+    # return the original x and y so the caller can match any external data in shape
+    return baseMapInstance, x, y
+def show_quiver_plot (lon, lat, baseMapInstance, (uData, vData)=(None,None), colordata=None, **kwargs) :
+    """
+    Show a quiver plot of the given vector data at the given longitude and latitude
+    """
+    x, y = baseMapInstance(lon, lat) # translate into the coordinate system of the basemap
+    # show the quiver plot if there is data
+    if (uData is not None) and (vData is not None) :
+        if colordata is None:
+            p = baseMapInstance.quiver(x, y, uData, vData, **kwargs)
+        else :
+            p = baseMapInstance.quiver(x, y, uData, vData, colordata, **kwargs)
+    # return the original x and y so the caller can match any external data in shape
     return baseMapInstance, x, y
 def make_2D_version_if_needed(originalArray, fillValue) :
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/ b/pyglance/glance/
index 0ffd7ba..44deb6c 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/
+++ b/pyglance/glance/
@@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ class h5(object):
         variableList = [ ]
         def testFn (name, obj) :
             #print ('checking name: ' + name)
-            print ('object: ' + str(obj))
+            #print ('object: ' + str(obj))
             if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset) :
                 try :
                     tempType = obj.dtype # this is required to provoke a type error for closed data sets
-                    #TODO, why are there closed data sets?!?
                     LOG.debug ('type: ' + str(tempType))
                 except TypeError :
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/ b/pyglance/glance/
index 4f57bf1..1acbc3f 100644
--- a/pyglance/glance/
+++ b/pyglance/glance/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ matplotlib.use('Agg') # use the Anti-Grain Geometry rendering engine
 from pylab import *
+from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib import cm
 import matplotlib.colors as colors
@@ -25,588 +26,18 @@ import numpy as np
 from numpy import ma 
 import as maps
-import as delta
-import as report
+import    as delta
+import   as report
+import glance.figures  as figures
+import glance.plotcreatefns as plotfns
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# TODO this value is being used to work around a problem with the contourf
-# and how it handles range boundaries. Find a better solution if at all possible.
-offsetToRange = 0.0000000000000000001
-# the value that will denote "bad" longitudes and latitudes
-badLonLat = maps.badLonLat
 # a constant for the larger size dpi
 fullSizeDPI = 150 # 200
 # a constant for the thumbnail size dpi
 thumbSizeDPI = 50
-# make a custom medium grayscale color map for putting our bad data on top of
-mediumGrayColorMapData = {
-    'red'   : ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
-               (0.5, 0.60, 0.60),
-               (1.0, 0.20, 0.20)),
-    'green' : ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
-               (0.5, 0.60, 0.60),
-               (1.0, 0.20, 0.20)),
-    'blue'  : ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
-               (0.5, 0.60, 0.60),
-               (1.0, 0.20, 0.20))
-mediumGrayColorMap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('mediumGrayColorMap', mediumGrayColorMapData, 256)
-# make an all green color map
-greenColorMapData = {
-    'red'   : ((0.0, 0.00, 0.00),
-               (1.0, 0.00, 0.00)),
-    'green' : ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
-               (1.0, 1.00, 1.00)),
-    'blue'  : ((0.0, 0.00, 0.00),
-               (1.0, 0.00, 0.00))
-greenColorMap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('greenColorMap', greenColorMapData, 256)
-# build a scatter plot of the x,y points
-def _create_scatter_plot(dataX, dataY, title, xLabel, yLabel, badMask=None, epsilon=None) :
-    # make the figure
-    figure = plt.figure()
-    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
-    # if we have "bad" data to plot, pull it out
-    badX = None
-    badY = None
-    if (badMask != None) :
-        badX = dataX[badMask]
-        badY = dataY[badMask]
-        dataX = dataX[~badMask]
-        dataY = dataY[~badMask]
-    # the scatter plot of the good data 
-    axes.plot(dataX, dataY, 'b,', label='within\nepsilon')
-    # plot the bad data
-    numTroublePts = 0
-    if (badMask != None) :
-        numTroublePts = badX.shape[0]
-        LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points in scatter plot: ' + str(badX.shape[0]))
-        if numTroublePts > 0 :
-            axes.plot(badX, badY, 'r,', label='outside\nepsilon')
-    # draw the line for the "perfect fit" 
-    xbounds = axes.get_xbound()
-    xrange = xbounds[1] - xbounds[0]
-    ybounds = axes.get_ybound()
-    yrange = ybounds[1] - ybounds[0]
-    perfect = [max(xbounds[0], ybounds[0]), min(xbounds[1], ybounds[1])]
-    axes.plot(perfect, perfect, 'k--', label='A = B')
-    # now draw the epsilon bound lines if they are visible and the lines won't be the same as A = B
-    if (not (epsilon is None)) and (epsilon > 0.0) and (epsilon < xrange) and (epsilon < yrange):
-        # plot the top line
-        axes.plot([perfect[0], perfect[1] - epsilon], [perfect[0] + epsilon, perfect[1]], '--', color='#00FF00', label='+/-epsilon')
-        # plot the bottom line
-        axes.plot([perfect[0] + epsilon, perfect[1]], [perfect[0], perfect[1] - epsilon], '--', color='#00FF00')
-    # make a key to explain our plot
-    # as long as things have been plotted with proper labels they should show up here
-    axes.legend(loc=0, markerscale=3.0) # Note: at the moment markerscale doesn't seem to work
-    # and some informational stuff
-    axes.set_title(title)
-    plt.xlabel(xLabel)
-    plt.ylabel(yLabel)
-    # format our axes so they display gracefully
-    yFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%4.4g")
-    axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yFormatter)
-    xFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%4.4g")
-    axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xFormatter)
-    return figure
-# build a histogram figure of the given data with the given title and number of bins
-def _create_histogram(data, bins, title, xLabel, yLabel, displayStats=False) :
-    # make the figure
-    figure = plt.figure()
-    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
-    if (data is None) or (len(data) <= 0) :
-        return figure
-    # the histogram of the data
-    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data, bins)
-    # format our axes so they display gracefully
-    yFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%3.3g")
-    axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yFormatter)
-    xFormatter = FormatStrFormatter("%.4g")
-    axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xFormatter)
-    # and some informational stuff
-    axes.set_title(title)
-    plt.xlabel(xLabel)
-    plt.ylabel(yLabel)
-    # if stats were passed in, put some of the information on the graph
-    # the location is in the form x, y (I think)
-    if displayStats :
-        # info on the basic stats
-        tempMask = ones(data.shape,dtype=bool)
-        tempStats = delta.stats(data, tempMask, None)
-        medianVal = tempStats['median_diff']
-        meanVal = tempStats['mean_diff']
-        stdVal = tempStats['std_diff']
-        numPts = data.size
-        # info on the display of our statistics
-        xbounds = axes.get_xbound()
-        numBinsToUse = len(bins)
-        xrange = xbounds[1] - xbounds[0]
-        binSize = xrange / float(numBinsToUse)
-        # build the display string
-        statText = ('%1.2e' % numPts) + ' data points'
-        statText = statText + '\n' + 'mean: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(meanVal)
-        statText = statText + '\n' + 'median: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(medianVal)
-        statText = statText + '\n' + 'std: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(stdVal)
-        statText = statText + '\n\n' + 'bins: ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(numBinsToUse)
-        statText = statText + '\n' + 'bin size ' + report.make_formatted_display_string(binSize)
-        # figure out where to place the text and put it on the figure
-        centerOfDisplay = xbounds[0] + (float(xrange) / 2.0)
-        xValToUse = 0.67
-        # if most of the values will be on the right, move our text to the left...
-        if (medianVal > centerOfDisplay) :
-            xValToUse = 0.17
-        figtext(xValToUse, 0.60, statText)
-    return figure
-# make a "clean" copy of the longitude or latitude array passed in by replacing all
-# values which would fall in the provided "invalid" mask with the default bad-lon-lat
-# value, which will keep them from being plotted
-def _clean_lon_or_lat_with_mask(lon_or_lat_data, invalid_data_mask):
-    clean_data = empty_like(lon_or_lat_data)
-    clean_data[~invalid_data_mask] = lon_or_lat_data[~invalid_data_mask]
-    clean_data[ invalid_data_mask] = badLonLat
-    return clean_data
-# chose a projection based on the bounding axes that will be shown
-def _select_projection(boundingAxes) :
-    # TODO at the moment the default (lcc) is cutting off the field of view,
-    # I think the same problem will occur with all of the conic projections, because
-    # they all allow you to specify the field of view either as corners or as a width/height in
-    # meters, but they do not take the distortion that a conic projection causes into account.
-    # This means that either the corners or the bottom curve of the data area will be clipped off
-    # the edge of the screen. There is also some sort of persistent bug that causes the basemap
-    # to ignore the requested corners for some data sets and shift west and north, cutting off
-    # a pretty considerable amount of data. I've tried various tactics to control the field of
-    # view and can't find any way to get the basemap to show an acceptable area programatically
-    # that will match arbitrary data sets.
-    # For the moment, I am setting this to use a cylindrical projection rather than a conic.
-    # At some point in the future this should be revisited so that glance will be able to handle
-    # a wider range of projections.
-    projToUse = 'mill'
-    # how big is the field of view?
-    longitudeRange  = abs(boundingAxes[1] - boundingAxes[0])
-    latitudeRange   = abs(boundingAxes[3] - boundingAxes[2])
-    # chose the projection based on the range we have to cover
-    if (longitudeRange > 180) :
-        projToUse = 'mill' # use a miller cylindrical projection to show the whole world
-    elif (longitudeRange > 100) or (latitudeRange > 70) :
-        projToUse = 'ortho' # use an orthographic projection to show about half the globe
-    return projToUse
-# todo, the use off the offset here is covering a problem with
-# contourf hiding data exactly at the end of the range and should
-# be removed if a better solution can be found
-def _make_range(data_a, invalid_a_mask, num_intervals, offset_to_range=0.0, data_b=None, invalid_b_mask=None) :
-    """
-    get an array with numbers representing the bounds of a set of ranges
-    that covers all the data present in data_a
-    (these may be used for plotting the data)
-    if an offset is passed, the outtermost range will be expanded by that much
-    if the b data is passed, a total range that encompasses both sets of
-    data will be used
-    """
-    minVal = delta.min_with_mask(data_a, invalid_a_mask)
-    maxVal = delta.max_with_mask(data_a, invalid_a_mask)
-    # if we have a second set of data, include it in the min/max calculations
-    if (data_b is not None) :
-        minVal = min(delta.min_with_mask(data_b, invalid_b_mask), minVal)
-        maxVal = max(delta.max_with_mask(data_b, invalid_b_mask), maxVal)
-    minVal = minVal - offset_to_range
-    maxVal = maxVal + offset_to_range
-    return np.linspace(minVal, maxVal, num_intervals)
-# create a figure including our data mapped onto a map at the lon/lat given
-# the colorMap parameter can be used to control the colors the figure is drawn in
-# if any masks are passed in the tagData list they will be plotted as an overlays
-# set on the existing image
-def _create_mapped_figure(data, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes, title,
-                          invalidMask=None, colorMap=None, tagData=None,
-                          dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataRangeColors=None) :
-    # make a clean version of our lon/lat
-    latitudeClean  = _clean_lon_or_lat_with_mask(latitude,  invalidMask)
-    longitudeClean = _clean_lon_or_lat_with_mask(longitude, invalidMask)
-    # build the plot
-    figure = plt.figure()
-    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
-    # build extra info to go to the map plotting function
-    kwargs = {}
-    # figure the range for the color bars
-    # this is controllable with the "dataRanges" parameter for discrete data display
-    if not (data is None) :
-        if dataRanges is None :
-            dataRanges = _make_range(data, invalidMask, 50, offset_to_range=offsetToRange)
-        else: # make sure the user range will not discard data TODO, find a better way to handle this
-            dataRanges[0] = dataRanges[0] - offsetToRange
-            dataRanges[len(dataRanges) - 1] = dataRanges[len(dataRanges) - 1] + offsetToRange
-        kwargs['levelsToUse'] = dataRanges
-        if dataRangeColors is not None :
-            kwargs['colors'] = dataRangeColors # add in the list of colors (may be None)
-    # if we've got a color map, pass it to the list of things we want to tell the plotting function
-    if not (colorMap is None) :
-        kwargs['cmap'] = colorMap
-    # draw our data placed on a map
-    #bMap, x, y = maps.mapshow(longitudeClean, latitudeClean, data, boundingAxes, **kwargs)
-    maps.draw_basic_features(baseMapInstance, boundingAxes)
-    bMap, x, y = maps.show_lon_lat_data(longitudeClean, latitudeClean, baseMapInstance, data, **kwargs)
-    # and some informational stuff
-    axes.set_title(title)
-    # show a generic color bar
-    doLabelRanges = False
-    if not (data is None) :
-        cbar = colorbar(format='%.3f')
-        # if there are specific requested labels, add them
-        if not (dataRangeNames is None) :
-            # if we don't have exactly the right number of range names to label the ranges
-            # then label the tick marks
-            if not (len(dataRangeNames) is (len(dataRanges) - 1)) :
-            else : # we will want to label the ranges themselves
-       # todo, this line is temporary
-                doLabelRanges = True
-    # if there are "tag" masks, plot them over the existing map
-    if not (tagData is None) :
-        # pick out the cooridinates of the points we want to plot
-        newX = x[tagData]
-        newY = y[tagData]
-        # look at how many trouble points we have
-        numTroublePoints = newX.size
-        hasTrouble = False
-        neededHighlighting = False
-        if numTroublePoints > 0 :
-            hasTrouble = True
-            # figure out how many bad points there are
-            totalNumPoints = x.size # the number of points
-            percentBad = (float(numTroublePoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
-            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
-            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of trouble points: ' + str(percentBad))
-            # if there are very few points, make them easier to notice
-            # by plotting some colored circles underneath them
-            if (percentBad < 0.25) :
-                neededHighlighting = True
-                p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, 'o', color='#993399', markersize=5)
-            elif (percentBad < 1.0) :
-                neededHighlighting = True
-                p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, 'o', color='#993399', markersize=3)
-            # if there are way too many trouble points, we can't use plot for this
-            if (numTroublePoints > 1000000) :
-                new_kwargs = {}
-                new_kwargs['cmap'] = greenColorMap
-                p = maps.show_x_y_data(x, y, bMap, data=tagData, **new_kwargs)
-            else :
-                # plot our point on top of the existing figure
-                p = bMap.plot(newX, newY, '.', color='#00FF00', markersize=1)
-        # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
-        # I'm not thrilled with this solution for getting it below the labels drawn by the basemap
-        # but I don't think there's a better one at the moment given matplotlib's workings
-        troublePtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numTroublePoints) + ' Trouble Points'
-        # if our plot is more complex, add clarification
-        if hasTrouble :
-            troublePtString = troublePtString + ' in Green'
-            if neededHighlighting :
-                troublePtString = troublePtString + '\nwith Purple Circles for Visual Clarity'
-        plt.xlabel(troublePtString)
-    # if we still need to label the ranges, do it now that our fake axis won't mess the trouble points up
-    if doLabelRanges :
-        """ TODO get this working properly
-        fakeAx = plt.axes ([0.77, 0.05, 0.2, 0.9], frameon=False)
-        fakeAx.xaxis.set_visible(False)
-        fakeAx.yaxis.set_visible(False)
-        testRect = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="r")
-        legendKey = fakeAx.legend([testRect], ["r\n\n\n"], mode="expand", ncol=1, borderaxespad=0.)
-        """
-    return figure
-def _create_simple_figure(data, figureTitle, invalidMask=None, tagData=None, colorMap=None) :
-    """
-    create a simple figure showing the data given masked by the invalid mask
-    any tagData passed in will be interpreted as trouble points on the image and plotted as a
-    filled contour overlay in green on the image
-    if a colorMap is given it will be used to plot the data,
-    if not the default colorMap for imshow will be used
-    """
-    cleanData = ma.array(data, mask=invalidMask)
-    # build the plot
-    figure = plt.figure()
-    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
-    # build extra info to go to the map plotting function
-    kwargs = { } 
-    # if we've got a color map, pass it to the list of things we want to tell the plotting function
-    if not (colorMap is None) :
-        kwargs['cmap'] = colorMap
-    if (data is not None) and (sum(invalidMask) < invalidMask.size) :
-        # draw our data
-        im = imshow(cleanData, **kwargs)
-        # make a color bar
-        cbar = colorbar(format='%.3f')
-    # and some informational stuff
-    axes.set_title(figureTitle)
-    # if there are "tag" masks, plot them over the existing map
-    if not (tagData is None) :
-        numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
-        # if we have trouble points, we need to show them
-        if numTroublePoints > 0:
-            # figure out how many bad points there are
-            totalNumPoints = tagData.size # the number of points
-            percentBad = (float(numTroublePoints) / float(totalNumPoints)) * 100.0
-            LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
-            LOG.debug('\t\tpercent of trouble points: ' + str(percentBad))
-            new_kwargs = {}
-            new_kwargs['cmap'] = greenColorMap
-            cleanTagData = ma.array(tagData, mask=~tagData)
-            p = contourf(cleanTagData, **new_kwargs)
-        # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed a set of tag data
-        troublePtString = '\n\nShowing ' + str(numTroublePoints) + ' Trouble Points'
-        # if our plot is more complex, add clarification
-        if numTroublePoints > 0 :
-            troublePtString = troublePtString + ' in Green'
-        plt.xlabel(troublePtString)
-    return figure
-def _create_line_plot_figure(dataList, figureTitle, tagData=None) :
-    """
-    create a basic line plot of the data vs. it's index, ignoring any invalid data
-    if tagData is given, under-label those points with green circles
-    Each entry in the dataList should be a tupple containing:
-            (data, invalidMask, colorString, labelName)
-    The color string describes a color for plotting in matplotlib.
-    The label names will be used for the legend, which will be shown if there is
-    more than one set of data plotted or if there is tag data plotted. Invalid
-    masks, colors, and label names may be given as None, in which case no data
-    will be masked and a default label of "data#" (where # is an arbitrary
-    unique counter) will be used.
-    """
-    # build the plot
-    figure = plt.figure()
-    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
-    # plot each of the data sets
-    dataSetLabelNumber = 1
-    minTagPts = -1
-    maxTagPts = -1
-    for dataSet, invalidMask, colorString, labelName in dataList :
-        # if we don't have these, set them to defaults
-        if invalidMask is None :
-            invalidMask = zeros(dataSet.shape, dtype=bool)
-        if labelName is None :
-            labelName = 'data' + str(dataSetLabelNumber)
-            dataSetLabelNumber = dataSetLabelNumber + 1
-        if colorString is None:
-            colorString = ''
-        if (dataSet is not None) and (sum(invalidMask) < invalidMask.size) :
-            # if we don't have a real min yet, set it based on the size
-            if minTagPts < 0 :
-                minTagPts = dataSet.size + 1
-            indexData = ma.array(range(dataSet.size), mask=invalidMask)
-            cleanData = ma.array(dataSet,             mask=invalidMask)
-            # plot the tag data and gather information about it
-            if tagData is not None :
-                numTroublePoints = sum(tagData)
-                LOG.debug('\t\tnumber of trouble points: ' + str(numTroublePoints))
-                if numTroublePoints < minTagPts:
-                    minTagPts = numTroublePoints
-                if numTroublePoints > maxTagPts :
-                    maxTagPts = numTroublePoints
-                # if we have trouble points, we need to show them
-                if numTroublePoints > 0:
-                    cleanTagData = ma.array(dataSet, mask=~tagData | invalidMask)
-                    axes.plot(indexData, cleanTagData, 'yo', label='trouble point')
-            axes.plot(indexData, cleanData, '-' + colorString, label=labelName)
-    # display the number of trouble points on the report if we were passed
-    # a set of tag data and we were able to compare it to some actual data
-    if ((tagData is not None) and (minTagPts >= 0) and (maxTagPts >=0)) :
-        troublePtString = '\nMarking '
-        if (minTagPts == maxTagPts) :
-            troublePtString = troublePtString + str(minTagPts) + ' Trouble Points with Yellow Circles'
-        else :
-            troublePtString = (troublePtString + 'between ' + str(minTagPts) + ' and ' + str(maxTagPts) + ' Trouble Points'
-                               + '\non the various data sets (using Yellow Circles)')
-        plt.xlabel(troublePtString)
-    if (len(dataList) > 1) or (tagData is not None) :
-        # make a key to explain our plot
-        # as long as things have been plotted with proper labels they should show up here
-        axes.legend(loc=0, markerscale=3.0) # Note: at the moment markerscale doesn't seem to work
-    # and some informational stuff
-    axes.set_title(figureTitle)
-    return figure
-# figure out the bounding axes for the display given a set of
-# longitude and latitude and possible a mask of invalid values
-# that we should ignore in them
-def _get_visible_axes(longitudeData, latitudeData, toIgnoreMask) :
-    # calculate the bounding range for the display
-    # this is in the form [longitude min, longitude max, latitude min, latitude max]
-    visibleAxes = [delta.min_with_mask(longitudeData, toIgnoreMask),
-                   delta.max_with_mask(longitudeData, toIgnoreMask),
-                   delta.min_with_mask(latitudeData,  toIgnoreMask),
-                   delta.max_with_mask(latitudeData,  toIgnoreMask)]
-    return visibleAxes
-def spectral_diff_plot( mean_diff, std_diff, max_diff, min_diff, acceptable_diff=None, x=None ):
-    """plot spectral difference in current axes, wrapped in std
-    >>> x = arange(0,9,0.1)
-    >>> y1 = sin(x)
-    >>> y2 = sin(x+0.05)
-    >>> d = y2-y1
-    >>> s = std(d)
-    >>> spectral_diff_plot( d, s, array([0.1] * len(d)), x=x )
-    """
-    cla()
-    if x is None: x = range(len(mean_diff))
-    if acceptable_diff is not None:
-        plot(x, acceptable_diff, 'g.', hold=True, alpha=0.2)
-        plot(x, -acceptable_diff, 'g.', hold=True, alpha=0.2)
-    plot(x, mean_diff+std_diff, 'r', hold=True, alpha=0.5)
-    plot(x,min_diff,'b')
-    plot(x,max_diff,'b')
-    plot(x, mean_diff-std_diff, 'r', hold=True, alpha=0.5)
-    plot(x, mean_diff, 'k', hold=True)
-def compare_spectra(actual, desired=None, acceptable=None, x=None):
-    """ given an actual[spectrum][wnum], desired[spectrum][wnum], plot comparisons of differences
-    """
-    delta = actual-desired if (desired is not None) else actual
-    d_mean = mean(delta,axis=0)
-    d_max = delta.max(axis=0)
-    d_min = delta.min(axis=0)
-    d_std = std(delta,axis=0)
-    des_mean = mean(desired,axis=0)
-    subplot(211)
-    cla()
-    if x is None: x = range(len(des_mean))
-    # plot(x,des_mean+d_max,'b')
-    # plot(x,des_mean+d_min,'b')
-    plot(x,des_mean,'k')
-    grid()
-    title("mean spectrum")
-    subplot(212)
-    spectral_diff_plot(d_mean, d_std, d_max, d_min, acceptable, x)
-    grid()
-    title("difference min-max (blue), mean (black), mean +/- std (red)")
-def plot_and_save_spacial_trouble(longitude, latitude,
-                                  spacialTroubleMask, spaciallyInvalidMask,
-                                  fileNameDiscriminator, title, fileBaseName, outputPath, makeSmall=False) :
-    """
-    given information on spatially placed trouble points in A and B, plot only those points in a very obvious way
-    on top of a background plot of a's data shown in grayscale, save this plot to the output path given
-    if makeSmall is passed as true a smaller version of the image will also be saved
-    """
-    # get the bounding axis and make a basemap
-    boundingAxes = _get_visible_axes(longitude, latitude, spaciallyInvalidMask)
-    LOG.debug("Visible axes for lon/lat trouble figure  are: " + str(boundingAxes))
-    baseMapInstance, boundingAxes = maps.create_basemap(longitude, latitude, boundingAxes, _select_projection(boundingAxes))
-    # make the figure
-"Creating spatial trouble image")
-    spatialTroubleFig = _create_mapped_figure(None, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes,
-                                                    title, spaciallyInvalidMask, None, spacialTroubleMask)
-    # save the figure
-"Saving spatial trouble image")
-    spatialTroubleFig.savefig(outputPath + "/" + fileBaseName + "." + fileNameDiscriminator + ".png", dpi=fullSizeDPI) 
-    # we may also save a smaller versions of the figure
-    if (makeSmall) :
-        spatialTroubleFig.savefig(outputPath + "/" + fileBaseName + "." + fileNameDiscriminator + ".small.png", dpi=thumbSizeDPI)
-    # clear the figure
-    spatialTroubleFig.clf()
-    plt.close(spatialTroubleFig)
-    del(spatialTroubleFig)
-    return
 def _handle_fig_creation_task(child_figure_function, log_message,
                               outputPath, fullFigName,
                               shouldMakeSmall, doFork) :
@@ -650,7 +81,7 @@ def _handle_fig_creation_task(child_figure_function, log_message,
     # if we didn't fork, return the 0 pid to indicate that
     return pid
-def _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed (imageDescription, childPids, imageList,
+def _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed (imageDescription, childPids, 
                                    taskFunction, taskOutputPath, taskFigName,
                                    doMakeThumb=True, doFork=False, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads=False) :
@@ -674,212 +105,45 @@ def _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed (imageDescription, childPids, imageList,
             LOG.debug ("Started child process (pid: " + str(pid) + ") to create image of " + imageDescription)
         else :
             os.waitpid(pid, 0)
-    imageList.append(taskFigName)
-def make_geolocated_plotting_functions(aData, bData,
-                                       absDiffData, rawDiffData,
-                                       variableDisplayName,
-                                       epsilon,
-                                       goodInAMask, goodInBMask, goodMask,
-                                       troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask,
-                                       # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
-                                       lonLatDataDict,
-                                       shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal,
-                                       dataRanges, dataRangeNames, dataColors) :
-    functionsToReturn = { }
-    # TODO, possibly remove this section of definitions in the future?
-    latitudeAData         = lonLatDataDict['a']['lat']
-    longitudeAData        = lonLatDataDict['a']['lon']
-    latitudeBData         = lonLatDataDict['b']['lat']
-    longitudeBData        = lonLatDataDict['b']['lon']
-    latitudeCommonData    = lonLatDataDict['common']['lat']
-    longitudeCommonData   = lonLatDataDict['common']['lon']
-    spaciallyInvalidMaskA = lonLatDataDict['a']['inv_mask']
-    spaciallyInvalidMaskB = lonLatDataDict['b']['inv_mask']
-    # figure out the bounding axis
-    aAxis = _get_visible_axes(longitudeAData, latitudeAData, ~goodInAMask)
-    bAxis = _get_visible_axes(longitudeBData, latitudeBData, ~goodInBMask)
-    fullAxis = [min(aAxis[0], bAxis[0]), max(aAxis[1], bAxis[1]),
-                min(aAxis[2], bAxis[2]), max(aAxis[3], bAxis[3])]
-    LOG.debug("Visible axes for file A variable data (" + variableDisplayName + ") are: " + str(aAxis))
-    LOG.debug("Visible axes for file B variable data (" + variableDisplayName + ") are: " + str(bAxis))
-    LOG.debug("Visible axes shared for both file's variable data (" + variableDisplayName + ") are: " + str(fullAxis))
-    if (fullAxis[0] is None) or (fullAxis[1] is None) or (fullAxis[2] is None) or (fullAxis[3] is None) :
-        LOG.warn("Unable to display figures for variable (" + variableDisplayName + ") because of inability to identify" +
-                 " usable bounding longitude and latitude range on the earth. Bounding range that was identified:" + str(fullAxis))
-        return # TODO, the figures need to be disabled from the report and possibly a warning on the report?
-    # create our basemap
-'\t\tloading base map data')
-    baseMapInstance, fullAxis = maps.create_basemap(longitudeCommonData, latitudeCommonData, fullAxis, _select_projection(fullAxis))
-    # figure out the shared range for A and B's data, by default don't share a range
-    shared_range = None
-    if (shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal) :
-        shared_range = _make_range(aData, ~goodInAMask, 50, offset_to_range=offsetToRange,
-                                   data_b=bData, invalid_b_mask=~goodInBMask)
-    # make the plotting functions
-    functionsToReturn['originalA'] = (lambda : _create_mapped_figure(aData, latitudeAData, longitudeAData,
-                                                                     baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
-                                                                     (variableDisplayName + "\nin File A"),
-                                                                     invalidMask=(~goodInAMask),
-                                                                     dataRanges=dataRanges or shared_range,
-                                                                     dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames,
-                                                                     dataRangeColors=dataColors))
-    functionsToReturn['originalB'] = (lambda : _create_mapped_figure(bData, latitudeBData, longitudeBData,
-                                                                     baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
-                                                                     (variableDisplayName + "\nin File B"),
-                                                                     invalidMask=(~ goodInBMask),
-                                                                     dataRanges=dataRanges or shared_range,
-                                                                     dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames,
-                                                                     dataRangeColors=dataColors))
-    functionsToReturn['absDiff']   = (lambda : _create_mapped_figure(absDiffData,
-                                                                     latitudeCommonData, longitudeCommonData,
-                                                                     baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
-                                                                     ("Absolute value of difference in\n" + variableDisplayName),
-                                                                     invalidMask=(~ goodMask)))
-    functionsToReturn['subDiff']   = (lambda : _create_mapped_figure(rawDiffData, latitudeCommonData, longitudeCommonData,
-                                                                     baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
-                                                                     ("Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n" + variableDisplayName),
-                                                                     invalidMask=(~ goodMask)))
-    # this is not an optimal solution, but we need to have at least somewhat valid data at any mismatched points so
-    # that our plot won't be totally destroyed by missing or non-finite data from B
-    bDataCopy = bData[:]
-    tempMask = goodInAMask & (~goodInBMask) 
-    bDataCopy[tempMask] = aData[tempMask]
-    functionsToReturn['trouble']   = (lambda : _create_mapped_figure(bDataCopy, latitudeCommonData, longitudeCommonData,
-                                                                     baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
-                                                                     ("Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName),
-                                                                     (~(goodInAMask | goodInBMask)),
-                                                                     mediumGrayColorMap, troubleMask,
-                                                                     dataRanges=dataRanges,
-                                                                     dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames))
-    # setup the data bins for the histogram
-    numBinsToUse = 50
-    valuesForHist = rawDiffData[goodMask]
-    functionsToReturn['histogram'] = (lambda : _create_histogram(valuesForHist, numBinsToUse,
-                                                                 ("Difference in\n" + variableDisplayName),
-                                                                 ('Value of (Data File B - Data File A) at a Data Point'),
-                                                                 ('Number of Data Points with a Given Difference'),
-                                                                 True))
-    functionsToReturn['scatter']   = (lambda : _create_scatter_plot(aData[goodMask], bData[goodMask],
-                                                                    "Value in File A vs Value in File B",
-                                                                    "File A Value", "File B Value",
-                                                                    outsideEpsilonMask[goodMask],
-                                                                    epsilon))
-    return functionsToReturn
-def make_pure_data_plotting_functions (aData, bData,
-                                       absDiffData, rawDiffData,
-                                       variableDisplayName,
-                                       epsilon,
-                                       goodInAMask, goodInBMask, goodMask,
-                                       troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask,
-                                       # additional parameters this function isn't using
-                                       lonLatDataDict=None,
-                                       shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=False,
-                                       dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None) :
-    functionsToReturn = { }
-    functionsToReturn['originalA'] = (lambda: _create_simple_figure(aData, variableDisplayName + "\nin File A",
-                                                                    invalidMask=~goodInAMask))
-    functionsToReturn['originalB'] = (lambda: _create_simple_figure(bData, variableDisplayName + "\nin File B",
-                                                                    invalidMask=~goodInBMask))
-    functionsToReturn['absDiff']   = (lambda: _create_simple_figure(absDiffData,
-                                                                    "Absolute value of difference in\n" + variableDisplayName,
-                                                                    invalidMask=~goodMask))
-    functionsToReturn['subDiff']   = (lambda: _create_simple_figure(rawDiffData,
-                                                                    "Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n" + variableDisplayName,
-                                                                    invalidMask=~goodMask))
-    # this is not an optimal solution, but we need to have at least somewhat valid data at any mismatched points so
-    # that our plot won't be totally destroyed by missing or non-finite data from B
-    bDataCopy = bData[:]
-    tempMask = goodInAMask & (~goodInBMask) 
-    bDataCopy[tempMask] = aData[tempMask]
-    functionsToReturn['trouble']   = (lambda: _create_simple_figure(bDataCopy, "Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName,
-                                                                    invalidMask=~(goodInAMask | goodInBMask), tagData=troubleMask,
-                                                                    colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap))
-    # set up the bins and data for a histogram of the values of fileA - file B 
-    numBinsToUse = 50
-    valuesForHist = rawDiffData[goodMask]
-    functionsToReturn['histogram'] = (lambda : _create_histogram(valuesForHist, numBinsToUse,
-                                                                 ("Difference in\n" + variableDisplayName),
-                                                                 ('Value of (Data File B - Data File A) at a Data Point'),
-                                                                 ('Number of Data Points with a Given Difference'),
-                                                                 True))
-    functionsToReturn['scatter']   = (lambda : _create_scatter_plot(aData[goodMask], bData[goodMask],
-                                                                    "Value in File A vs Value in File B",
-                                                                    "File A Value", "File B Value",
-                                                                    outsideEpsilonMask[goodMask],
-                                                                    epsilon))
-    return functionsToReturn
-def make_line_plot_plotting_functions (aData, bData,
-                                       absDiffData, rawDiffData,
-                                       variableDisplayName,
-                                       epsilon,
-                                       goodInAMask, goodInBMask, goodMask,
-                                       troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask,
-                                       # additional parameters this function isn't using
-                                       lonLatDataDict=None,
-                                       shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=False,
-                                       dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None) :
+def plot_and_save_spacial_trouble(longitude, latitude,
+                                  spacialTroubleMask, spaciallyInvalidMask,
+                                  fileNameDiscriminator, title, fileBaseName, outputPath, makeSmall=False) :
+    """
+    given information on spatially placed trouble points in A and B, plot only those points in a very obvious way
+    on top of a background plot of a's data shown in grayscale, save this plot to the output path given
+    if makeSmall is passed as true a smaller version of the image will also be saved
+    """
-    functionsToReturn = { }
+    # get the bounding axis and make a basemap
+    boundingAxes = plotfns.get_visible_axes(longitude, latitude, spaciallyInvalidMask)
+    LOG.debug("Visible axes for lon/lat trouble figure  are: " + str(boundingAxes))
+    baseMapInstance, boundingAxes = maps.create_basemap(longitude, latitude, boundingAxes, plotfns.select_projection(boundingAxes))
-    functionsToReturn['originalA'] = (lambda: _create_line_plot_figure([(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data'),
-                                                                        (bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data')],
-                                                                       variableDisplayName + "\nin File A"))
-    #functionsToReturn['originalA'] = (lambda: _create_line_plot_figure(aData, variableDisplayName + "\nin File A",
-    #                                                                   invalidMask=~goodInAMask))
-    functionsToReturn['originalB'] = (lambda: _create_line_plot_figure([(bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data')],
-                                                                       variableDisplayName + "\nin File B"))
+    # make the figure
+"Creating spatial trouble image")
+    spatialTroubleFig = figures.create_mapped_figure(None, latitude, longitude, baseMapInstance, boundingAxes,
+                                                    title, invalidMask=spaciallyInvalidMask, tagData=spacialTroubleMask)
+    # save the figure
+"Saving spatial trouble image")
+    spatialTroubleFig.savefig(outputPath + "/" + fileBaseName + "." + fileNameDiscriminator + ".png", dpi=fullSizeDPI) 
-    functionsToReturn['absDiff']   = (lambda: _create_line_plot_figure([(absDiffData, ~goodMask, 'k', 'abs. diff.')],
-                                                                       "Absolute value of difference in\n" + variableDisplayName))
-    functionsToReturn['subDiff']   = (lambda: _create_line_plot_figure([(rawDiffData, ~goodMask, 'k', 'raw diff.')],
-                                                                       "Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n" + variableDisplayName))
-    functionsToReturn['trouble']   = (lambda: _create_line_plot_figure([(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data'),
-                                                                        (bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data')],
-                                                                       "Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName,
-                                                                       tagData=troubleMask))
+    # we may also save a smaller versions of the figure
+    if (makeSmall) :
+        spatialTroubleFig.savefig(outputPath + "/" + fileBaseName + "." + fileNameDiscriminator + ".small.png", dpi=thumbSizeDPI)
-    # set up the bins and data for a histogram of the values of fileA - file B 
-    numBinsToUse = 50
-    valuesForHist = rawDiffData[goodMask]
-    functionsToReturn['histogram'] = (lambda : _create_histogram(valuesForHist, numBinsToUse,
-                                                                 ("Difference in\n" + variableDisplayName),
-                                                                 ('Value of (Data File B - Data File A) at a Data Point'),
-                                                                 ('Number of Data Points with a Given Difference'),
-                                                                 True))
-    functionsToReturn['scatter']   = (lambda : _create_scatter_plot(aData[goodMask], bData[goodMask],
-                                                                    "Value in File A vs Value in File B",
-                                                                    "File A Value", "File B Value",
-                                                                    outsideEpsilonMask[goodMask],
-                                                                    epsilon))
+    # get rid of the figure
+    spatialTroubleFig.clf()
+    plt.close(spatialTroubleFig)
+    del(spatialTroubleFig)
-    return functionsToReturn
+    return
 def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
-                                     plottingFunctionGenerationFunction,
+                                     plottingFunctionFactoryObjects,
@@ -894,12 +158,10 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
-                                     doPlotOriginal=True,
-                                     doPlotAbsDiff=True,
-                                     doPlotSubDiff=True,
-                                     doPlotTrouble=True,
-                                     doPlotHistogram=True,
-                                     doPlotScatter=True) :
+                                     doPlotSettingsDict={ },
+                                     aUData=None, aVData=None,
+                                     bUData=None, bVData=None,
+                                     binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None) :
     Plot images for a set of figures based on the data sets and settings
     passed in. The images will be saved to disk according to the settings.
@@ -936,13 +198,14 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                           images to label the variable being analyzed
     epsilon -           the epsilon that should be used for the data comparison
     missingValue -      the missing value that should be used for the data comparison
+    plottingFunctionFactoryObjects - a list of objects that will generate the plotting
+                                     functions; each object in the list must be an 
+                                     instance of a child of PlottingFunctionFactory
     optional parameters:
     missingValueAltInB - an alternative missing value in the B file; if None is given
                          then the missingValue will be used for the B file
-    plottingFunction -  the plotting function that will be used to make the plots,
-                        defaults to using basemap to place your data on the globe
     makeSmall -         should small "thumbnail" images be made for each large image?
     shortCircuitComparisons - should the comparison plots be disabled?
     doFork -            should the process fork to create new processes to create each
@@ -951,18 +214,14 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                                    memory bloating? **
     shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal - should the original images share an all-inclusive
                                       data range?
-    doPlotOriginal -    should the plots of the two original data sets be made?
-    doPlotAbsDiff -     should the plot of the absolute difference comparison image be made?
-    doPlotSubDiff -     should the plot of the subtractive difference comparison image be made?
-    doPlotTrouble -     should the plot of the trouble point image be made?
-    doPlotHistogram -   should the plot of the historgram be made?
-    doPlotScatter -     should the plot of the scatter plot be made?
+    doPlotSettingsDict - a dictionary containting settings to turn off individual plots
+                         if an entry for a plot is not pressent or set to True,
+                         then the plot will be created
     ** May fail due to a known bug on MacOSX systems.
     # lists to hold information on the images we make
-    # TODO, this will interact poorly with doFork
     original_images = [ ]
     compared_images = [ ]
@@ -973,7 +232,7 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
     # figure out if we have spatially invalid masks to consider
     spaciallyInvalidMaskA = None
     spaciallyInvalidMaskB = None
-    if lonLatDataDict is not None:
+    if (lonLatDataDict is not None) and (len(lonLatDataDict.keys()) > 0):
         spaciallyInvalidMaskA = lonLatDataDict['a']['inv_mask']
         spaciallyInvalidMaskB = lonLatDataDict['b']['inv_mask']
@@ -984,87 +243,65 @@ def plot_and_save_comparison_figures (aData, bData,
                                                                 (spaciallyInvalidMaskA, spaciallyInvalidMaskB))
     absDiffData = np.abs(rawDiffData) # we also want to show the distance between our two, not just which one's bigger/smaller
-    LOG.debug("Visible axes will not be calculated for variable data (" + variableDisplayName
-              + ") due to lack of lon/lat comparison.")
     # from this point on, we will be forking to create child processes so we can parallelize our image and
     # report generation
     isParent = True 
     childPids = [ ]
-    # generate our plotting functions
-    plottingFunctions = plottingFunctionGenerationFunction (aData, bData,
-                                                            absDiffData, rawDiffData,
-                                                            variableDisplayName,
-                                                            epsilon,
-                                                            goodInAMask, goodInBMask, goodMask,
-                                                            troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask,
-                                                            # below this comment are parameters only needed
-                                                            # for geolocated images
-                                                            lonLatDataDict,
-                                                            shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal,
-                                                            dataRanges, dataRangeNames, dataColors)
+    plottingFunctions = { }
-    # only plot the two original data plots if they haven't been turned off
-    if doPlotOriginal :
-        _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed(variableDisplayName + " in file a", childPids, original_images,
-                                      plottingFunctions['originalA'],
-                                      outputPath, "A.png",
-                                      makeSmall, doFork, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads)
+    for factoryObject in plottingFunctionFactoryObjects :
-        _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed(variableDisplayName + " in file b", childPids, original_images,
-                                      plottingFunctions['originalB'],
-                                      outputPath, "B.png",
-                                      makeSmall, doFork, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads)
-    # this is the end of the if to plot the original data 
+        # generate our plotting functions
+        moreFunctions = factoryObject.create_plotting_functions (
+                                       # the most basic data set needed
+                                       aData, bData,
+                                       variableDisplayName,
+                                       epsilon,
+                                       goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                       doPlotSettingsDict,
+                                       # where the names of the created figures will be stored
+                                       original_images, compared_images,
+                                       # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
+                                       lonLatDataDict=lonLatDataDict,
+                                       # only used if we are plotting a contour
+                                       dataRanges=dataRanges, dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames,
+                                       dataColors=dataColors,
+                                       shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal,
+                                       # parameters that are only used if the data can be compared
+                                       # point by point
+                                       absDiffData=absDiffData, rawDiffData=rawDiffData,
+                                       goodInBothMask=goodMask,
+                                       troubleMask=troubleMask, outsideEpsilonMask=outsideEpsilonMask,
+                                       # only used for plotting quiver data
+                                       aUData=aUData, aVData=aVData,
+                                       bUData=bUData, bVData=bVData,
+                                       # only used for line plots TODO
+                                       binIndex=0, tupleIndex=1 # TODO, temporary binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                       )
+        plottingFunctions.update(moreFunctions)
-    # make the data comparison figures
-    if not shortCircuitComparisons :
-        # only plot the absolute difference if if it hasn't been turned off
-        if doPlotAbsDiff :
-            _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed("absolute value of difference in " + variableDisplayName, childPids, compared_images,
-                                          plottingFunctions['absDiff'],
-                                          outputPath, "AbsDiff.png",
-                                          makeSmall, doFork, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads)
-        # only plot the difference plot if it hasn't been turned off
-        if doPlotSubDiff :
-            _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed("the difference in " + variableDisplayName, childPids, compared_images,
-                                          plottingFunctions['subDiff'],
-                                          outputPath, "Diff.png",
-                                          makeSmall, doFork, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads)
-        # only plot the trouble plot if it hasn't been turned off
-        if doPlotTrouble :
-            _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed("trouble data in " + variableDisplayName, childPids, compared_images,
-                                          plottingFunctions['trouble'],
-                                          outputPath, "Trouble.png",
-                                          makeSmall, doFork, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads)
+    LOG.debug ('plotting function information: ' + str(plottingFunctions))
+    # for each function in the list, run it to create the figure
+    for figDesc in sorted(list(plottingFunctions.keys())) :
-        # only plot the histogram if it hasn't been turned off
-        if doPlotHistogram :
-            _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed("histogram of the amount of difference in " + variableDisplayName, childPids, compared_images,
-                                          plottingFunctions['histogram'],
-                                          outputPath, "Hist.png",
-                                          makeSmall, doFork, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads)
+"plotting " + figDesc + " figure for " + variableDisplayName)
+        # returnDictionary['descriptive name'] = (function, title, file_name, list_this_figure_should_go_into)
+        figFunction, figLongDesc, figFileName, outputInfoList = plottingFunctions[figDesc]
-        # only plot the scatter plot if it hasn't been turned off
-        if doPlotScatter :
-            # scatter plot of file a vs file b values
-            _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed("scatter plot of file a values vs file b values for " + variableDisplayName,
-                                          childPids, compared_images,
-                                          plottingFunctions['scatter'],
-                                          outputPath, "Scatter.png",
+        # only plot the compared images if we aren't short circuiting them
+        if (outputInfoList is not compared_images) or (not shortCircuitComparisons) :
+            _log_spawn_and_wait_if_needed(figLongDesc, childPids, figFunction, outputPath, figFileName,
                                           makeSmall, doFork, shouldClearMemoryWithThreads)
+            # if we made an attempt to make the file, hang onto the name
+            outputInfoList.append(figFileName)
     # now we need to wait for all of our child processes to terminate before returning
     if (isParent) : # just in case
diff --git a/pyglance/glance/ b/pyglance/glance/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa6996e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglance/glance/
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+Plotting figure generation functions.
+Created by evas Dec 2009.
+Copyright (c) 2009 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved.
+# these first two lines must stay before the pylab import
+import matplotlib
+matplotlib.use('Agg') # use the Anti-Grain Geometry rendering engine
+from pylab import *
+from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib import cm
+import matplotlib.colors as colors
+from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
+from PIL import Image
+import os, sys, logging
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import ma 
+import as maps
+import    as delta
+import   as report
+import glance.filters  as filters # TODO, should this be moved?
+import glance.figures  as figures
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# a constant for the larger size dpi
+fullSizeDPI = 150 # 200
+# a constant for the thumbnail size dpi
+thumbSizeDPI = 50
+# make a custom medium grayscale color map for putting our bad data on top of
+mediumGrayColorMapData = {
+    'red'   : ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
+               (0.5, 0.60, 0.60),
+               (1.0, 0.20, 0.20)),
+    'green' : ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
+               (0.5, 0.60, 0.60),
+               (1.0, 0.20, 0.20)),
+    'blue'  : ((0.0, 1.00, 1.00),
+               (0.5, 0.60, 0.60),
+               (1.0, 0.20, 0.20))
+mediumGrayColorMap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('mediumGrayColorMap', mediumGrayColorMapData, 256)
+# ********************* Section of utility functions ***********************
+# a method to stop people from calling my fake abstract methods
+def _abstract( ) :
+    raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented in subclass.')
+# figure out the bounding axes for the display given a set of
+# longitude and latitude and possible a mask of invalid values
+# that we should ignore in them
+def get_visible_axes(longitudeData, latitudeData, toIgnoreMask) :
+    # calculate the bounding range for the display
+    # this is in the form [longitude min, longitude max, latitude min, latitude max]
+    visibleAxes = [delta.min_with_mask(longitudeData, toIgnoreMask),
+                   delta.max_with_mask(longitudeData, toIgnoreMask),
+                   delta.min_with_mask(latitudeData,  toIgnoreMask),
+                   delta.max_with_mask(latitudeData,  toIgnoreMask)]
+    return visibleAxes
+def select_projection(boundingAxes) :
+    """
+    chose a map projection based on the bounding axes that will be shown
+    """
+    # TODO at the moment the default (lcc) is cutting off the field of view,
+    # I think the same problem will occur with all of the conic projections, because
+    # they all allow you to specify the field of view either as corners or as a width/height in
+    # meters, but they do not take the distortion that a conic projection causes into account.
+    # This means that either the corners or the bottom curve of the data area will be clipped off
+    # the edge of the screen. There is also some sort of persistent bug that causes the basemap
+    # to ignore the requested corners for some data sets and shift west and north, cutting off
+    # a pretty considerable amount of data. I've tried various tactics to control the field of
+    # view and can't find any way to get the basemap to show an acceptable area programatically
+    # that will match arbitrary data sets.
+    # For the moment, I am setting this to use a cylindrical projection rather than a conic.
+    # At some point in the future this should be revisited so that glance will be able to handle
+    # a wider range of projections.
+    projToUse = 'cyl'
+    # how big is the field of view?
+    longitudeRange  = abs(boundingAxes[1] - boundingAxes[0])
+    latitudeRange   = abs(boundingAxes[3] - boundingAxes[2])
+    # chose the projection based on the range we have to cover
+    if (longitudeRange > 180) :
+        projToUse = 'cyl' # use a equidistant cylindrical projection to show the whole world
+    elif (longitudeRange > 100) or (latitudeRange > 70) :
+        projToUse = 'ortho' # use an orthographic projection to show about half the globe
+    return projToUse
+def _make_axis_and_basemap(lonLatDataDict, goodInAMask, goodInBMask, shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=False, variableDisplayName=None) :
+    """
+    Determine the appropriate axes for the given data (in longitude and latitude) and create the appropriate basemap and shared
+    range information.
+    fullAxis, baseMapInstance, sharedRange = _make_axis_and_basemap(lonLatDataDict, goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                                                                   shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=False)
+    """
+    nameMessage = ''
+    if variableDisplayName is not None:
+        nameMessage = " (" + variableDisplayName + ")"
+    # figure out the bounding axis
+    aAxis = get_visible_axes(lonLatDataDict['a']['lon'], lonLatDataDict['a']['lat'], ~goodInAMask)
+    bAxis = get_visible_axes(lonLatDataDict['b']['lon'], lonLatDataDict['b']['lat'], ~goodInBMask)
+    fullAxis = [min(aAxis[0], bAxis[0]), max(aAxis[1], bAxis[1]),
+                min(aAxis[2], bAxis[2]), max(aAxis[3], bAxis[3])]
+    LOG.debug("Visible axes for file A variable data" + nameMessage + " are: " + str(aAxis))
+    LOG.debug("Visible axes for file B variable data" + nameMessage + " are: " + str(bAxis))
+    LOG.debug("Visible axes shared for both file's variable data" + nameMessage + " are: " + str(fullAxis))
+    if (fullAxis[0] is None) or (fullAxis[1] is None) or (fullAxis[2] is None) or (fullAxis[3] is None) :
+        LOG.warn("Unable to display figures for variable" + nameMessage + " because of inability to identify" +
+                 " usable bounding longitude and latitude range on the earth. Bounding range that was identified:" + str(fullAxis))
+        return # TODO, the figures need to be disabled from the report and possibly a warning on the report? throw exception instead?
+    # create our basemap
+'\t\tloading base map data')
+    baseMapInstance, fullAxis = maps.create_basemap(lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'], lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'],
+                                                    fullAxis, select_projection(fullAxis))
+    # figure out the shared range for A and B's data, by default don't share a range
+    sharedRange = None
+    if (shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal) :
+        sharedRange = figures._make_range(aData, ~goodInAMask, 50, offset_to_range=figures.offsetToRange,
+                                   data_b=bData, invalid_b_mask=~goodInBMask)
+    return fullAxis, baseMapInstance, sharedRange
+# a method to make a list of index numbers for reordering a multi-dimensional array
+def _make_new_index_list(numberOfIndexes, firstIndexNumber=0, lastIndexNumber=None) :
+    """
+    the first and last index numbers represent the dimensions you want to be first and last (respectively)
+    when the list is reordered; any other indexes will retain their relative ordering
+    newIndexList = _make_new_index_list(numIndexes, binIndex, tupleIndex)
+    TODO, move this to delta?
+    """
+    if lastIndexNumber is None:
+        lastIndexNumber = numberOfIndexes - 1
+    newIndexList = range(numberOfIndexes)
+    maxSpecial   = max(firstIndexNumber, lastIndexNumber)
+    minSpecial   = min(firstIndexNumber, lastIndexNumber)
+    del(newIndexList[maxSpecial])
+    del(newIndexList[minSpecial])
+    newIndexList = [firstIndexNumber] + newIndexList + [lastIndexNumber]
+    return newIndexList
+# ********************* Section of public classes ***********************
+this class is intended to be a parent class for our plotting function
+creation classes
+it contains a "fake" "abstract" method
+class PlottingFunctionFactory :
+    def create_plotting_functions (
+                                   self,
+                                   # the most basic data set needed
+                                   aData, bData,
+                                   variableDisplayName,
+                                   epsilon,
+                                   goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                   doPlotSettingsDict,
+                                   # where the names of the created figures will be stored
+                                   original_fig_list, compared_fig_list,
+                                   # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
+                                   lonLatDataDict=None,
+                                   # only used if we are plotting a contour
+                                   dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None,
+                                   shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=True,
+                                   # parameters that are only used if the data can be compared
+                                   # point by point
+                                   absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
+                                   goodInBothMask=None,
+                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   # only used for plotting quiver data
+                                   aUData=None, aVData=None,
+                                   bUData=None, bVData=None,
+                                   # only used for line plots
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   ) : _abstract
+This class creates the most basic of comparison plots based on two similarly
+sized data sets. (Plots created include histogram and scatter plots.)
+class BasicComparisonPlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
+    def create_plotting_functions (
+                                   self,
+                                   # the most basic data set needed
+                                   aData, bData,
+                                   variableDisplayName,
+                                   epsilon,
+                                   goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                   doPlotSettingsDict,
+                                   # where the names of the created figures will be stored
+                                   original_fig_list, compared_fig_list,
+                                   # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
+                                   lonLatDataDict=None,
+                                   # only used if we are plotting a contour
+                                   dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None,
+                                   shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=True,
+                                   # parameters that are only used if the data can be compared
+                                   # point by point
+                                   absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
+                                   goodInBothMask=None,
+                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   # only used for plotting quiver data
+                                   aUData=None, aVData=None,
+                                   bUData=None, bVData=None,
+                                   # only used for line plots
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   ) :
+        functionsToReturn = { }
+        # make the histogram plot
+        if ('do_plot_histogram' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_histogram']) :
+            assert(goodInBothMask.shape == rawDiffData.shape)
+            # setup the data bins for the histogram
+            numBinsToUse = 50
+            valuesForHist = rawDiffData[goodInBothMask]
+            functionsToReturn['histogram'] = ((lambda : figures.create_histogram(valuesForHist, numBinsToUse,
+                                                                         ("Difference in\n" + variableDisplayName),
+                                                                         ('Value of (Data File B - Data File A) at a Data Point'),
+                                                                         ('Number of Data Points with a Given Difference'),
+                                                                         True)),
+                                              "histogram of the amount of difference in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Hist.png", compared_fig_list)
+        # make the scatter plot
+        if ('do_plot_scatter' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_scatter']) :
+            assert(aData.shape    == bData.shape)
+            assert(bData.shape    == goodInBothMask.shape)
+            assert(goodInBothMask.shape == outsideEpsilonMask.shape)
+            functionsToReturn['scatter']   = ((lambda : figures.create_scatter_plot(aData[goodInBothMask], bData[goodInBothMask],
+                                                                            "Value in File A vs Value in File B",
+                                                                            "File A Value", "File B Value",
+                                                                            outsideEpsilonMask[goodInBothMask],
+                                                                            epsilon)),
+                                              "scatter plot of file a values vs file b values for " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Scatter.png", compared_fig_list)
+        return functionsToReturn
+This class creates contour plots mapped onto a region of the earth.
+class MappedContourPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
+    def create_plotting_functions (
+                                   self,
+                                   # the most basic data set needed
+                                   aData, bData,
+                                   variableDisplayName,
+                                   epsilon,
+                                   goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                   doPlotSettingsDict,
+                                   # where the names of the created figures will be stored
+                                   original_fig_list, compared_fig_list,
+                                   # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
+                                   lonLatDataDict=None,
+                                   # only used if we are plotting a contour
+                                   dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None,
+                                   shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=True,
+                                   # parameters that are only used if the data can be compared
+                                   # point by point
+                                   absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
+                                   goodInBothMask=None,
+                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   # only used for plotting quiver data
+                                   aUData=None, aVData=None,
+                                   bUData=None, bVData=None,
+                                   # only used for line plots
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   ) :
+        # the default for plotting geolocated data
+        mappedPlottingFunction = figures.create_mapped_figure
+        functionsToReturn = { }
+        assert(lonLatDataDict is not None)
+        assert(goodInAMask    is not None)
+        assert(goodInBMask    is not None)
+        fullAxis, baseMapInstance, sharedRange = _make_axis_and_basemap(lonLatDataDict,
+                                                                        goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                                                        shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal,
+                                                                        variableDisplayName)
+        # make the plotting functions
+        # make the original data plots
+        if ('do_plot_originals' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_originals']) :
+            assert('a'   in lonLatDataDict)
+            assert('lat' in lonLatDataDict['a'])
+            assert('lon' in lonLatDataDict['a'])
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['a']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['a']['lon'].shape)
+            functionsToReturn['originalA'] = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(aData,
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['a']['lat'], 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['a']['lon'],
+                                                                               baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                               (variableDisplayName + "\nin File A"),
+                                                                               invalidMask=(~goodInAMask),
+                                                                               dataRanges=dataRanges or sharedRange,
+                                                                               dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames,
+                                                                               dataRangeColors=dataColors)),
+                                              variableDisplayName + " in file a",
+                                              "A.png",  original_fig_list)
+            assert('b'   in lonLatDataDict)
+            assert('lat' in lonLatDataDict['b'])
+            assert('lon' in lonLatDataDict['b'])
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['b']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['b']['lon'].shape)
+            functionsToReturn['originalB'] = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(bData, 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['b']['lat'], 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['b']['lon'],
+                                                                               baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                               (variableDisplayName + "\nin File B"),
+                                                                               invalidMask=(~goodInBMask),
+                                                                               dataRanges=dataRanges or sharedRange,
+                                                                               dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames,
+                                                                               dataRangeColors=dataColors)),
+                                              variableDisplayName + " in file b",
+                                              "B.png",  original_fig_list)
+        # make the absolute value difference plot
+        if ('do_plot_abs_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_abs_diff']) :
+            assert(absDiffData.shape == goodInBothMask.shape)
+            assert('common' in lonLatDataDict)
+            assert('lat'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+            assert('lon'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape)
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape == absDiffData.shape)
+            functionsToReturn['diffAbs']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(absDiffData,
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'], 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'],
+                                                                               baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                               ("Absolute value of difference in\n"
+                                                                                + variableDisplayName),
+                                                                               invalidMask=(~goodInBothMask))),
+                                              "absolute value of difference in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "AbsDiff.png", compared_fig_list)
+        # make the subtractive difference plot
+        if ('do_plot_sub_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_sub_diff']) :
+            assert(rawDiffData.shape == goodInBothMask.shape)
+            assert('common' in lonLatDataDict)
+            assert('lat'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+            assert('lon'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape)
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape == rawDiffData.shape)
+            functionsToReturn['diffSub']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(rawDiffData, 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'], 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'],
+                                                                               baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                               ("Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n"
+                                                                                + variableDisplayName),
+                                                                               invalidMask=(~goodInBothMask))),
+                                              "the difference in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Diff.png",    compared_fig_list)
+        # make the trouble data plot
+        if ('do_plot_trouble' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_trouble']) :
+            assert(aData.shape == bData.shape)
+            assert(goodInAMask.shape == goodInBMask.shape)
+            assert('common' in lonLatDataDict)
+            assert('lat'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+            assert('lon'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape)
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape == aData.shape)
+            # this is not an optimal solution, but we need to have at least somewhat valid data at any mismatched points so
+            # that our plot won't be totally destroyed by missing or non-finite data from B
+            bDataCopy = bData[:]
+            tempMask = goodInAMask & (~goodInBMask) 
+            bDataCopy[tempMask] = aData[tempMask]
+            functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(bDataCopy, 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'], 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'],
+                                                                               baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                               ("Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName),
+                                                                               invalidMask=(~(goodInAMask | goodInBMask)),
+                                                                               colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap, tagData=troubleMask,
+                                                                               dataRanges=dataRanges,
+                                                                               dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames)), # TODO, does this need modification?
+                                              "trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Trouble.png", compared_fig_list)
+        return functionsToReturn
+This class creates quiver plots mapped onto a region of the earth.
+Note: the plotting function requires u and v data for both data sets, but
+the size of the two data sets is not required to be the same. If the size
+of the two data sets is the same, additional comparison plots will be
+TODO, this class has not been fully tested
+class MappedQuiverPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
+    def create_plotting_functions (
+                                   self,
+                                   # the most basic data set needed
+                                   aData, bData,
+                                   variableDisplayName,
+                                   epsilon,
+                                   goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                   doPlotSettingsDict,
+                                   # where the names of the created figures will be stored
+                                   original_fig_list, compared_fig_list,
+                                   # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
+                                   lonLatDataDict=None,
+                                   # only used if we are plotting a contour
+                                   dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None,
+                                   shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=True,
+                                   # parameters that are only used if the data can be compared
+                                   # point by point
+                                   absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
+                                   goodInBothMask=None,
+                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   # only used for plotting quiver data
+                                   aUData=None, aVData=None,
+                                   bUData=None, bVData=None,
+                                   # only used for line plots
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   ) :
+        # the default for plotting geolocated data
+        mappedPlottingFunction = figures.create_quiver_mapped_figure
+        functionsToReturn = { }
+        assert(aUData is not None)
+        assert(aVData is not None)
+        assert(bUData is not None)
+        assert(bVData is not None)
+        assert(lonLatDataDict is not None)
+        assert(goodInAMask    is not None)
+        assert(goodInBMask    is not None)
+        fullAxis, baseMapInstance, _ = _make_axis_and_basemap(lonLatDataDict, goodInAMask, goodInBMask, variableDisplayName=variableDisplayName)
+        # make the plotting functions
+        # make the original data plots
+        if ('do_plot_originals' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_originals']) :
+            assert('a'   in lonLatDataDict)
+            assert('lat' in lonLatDataDict['a'])
+            assert('lon' in lonLatDataDict['a'])
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['a']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['a']['lon'].shape)
+            functionsToReturn['originalA'] = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(aData,
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['a']['lat'], 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['a']['lon'],
+                                                                               baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                               (variableDisplayName + "\nin File A"),
+                                                                               invalidMask=(~goodInAMask),
+                                                                               uData=aUData, vData=aVData)),
+                                              variableDisplayName + " in file a",
+                                              "A.png",  original_fig_list)
+            assert('b'   in lonLatDataDict)
+            assert('lat' in lonLatDataDict['b'])
+            assert('lon' in lonLatDataDict['b'])
+            assert(lonLatDataDict['b']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['b']['lon'].shape)
+            functionsToReturn['originalB'] = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(bData, 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['b']['lat'], 
+                                                                               lonLatDataDict['b']['lon'],
+                                                                               baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                               (variableDisplayName + "\nin File B"),
+                                                                               invalidMask=(~ goodInBMask),
+                                                                               uData=bUData, vData=bVData)),
+                                              variableDisplayName + " in file b",
+                                              "B.png",  original_fig_list)
+            # TODO, any additional figures of the original data?
+        if (aUData.shape == bUData.shape) :
+  "creating comparison quiver plots for " + variableDisplayName)
+            # TODO, is there any complication in taking the diff of vectors this way?
+            diffUData = aUData - bUData
+            diffVData = aVData - bVData
+            # make the absolute value difference plot
+            if ('do_plot_abs_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_abs_diff']) :
+                assert(absDiffData.shape == goodInBothMask.shape)
+                assert('common' in lonLatDataDict)
+                assert('lat'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+                assert('lon'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+                assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape)
+                assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape == absDiffData.shape)
+                functionsToReturn['diffAbs']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(absDiffData,
+                                                                                   lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'], 
+                                                                                   lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'],
+                                                                                   baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                                   ("Absolute value of difference in\n"
+                                                                                    + variableDisplayName),
+                                                                                   invalidMask=(~ goodInBothMask),
+                                                                                   uData=diffUData, vData=diffVData)),
+                                                  "absolute value of difference in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                                  "AbsDiff.png", compared_fig_list)
+            # make the subtractive difference plot
+            if ('do_plot_sub_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_sub_diff']) :
+                assert(rawDiffData.shape == goodInBothMask.shape)
+                assert('common' in lonLatDataDict)
+                assert('lat'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+                assert('lon'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+                assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape)
+                assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape == rawDiffData.shape)
+                functionsToReturn['diffSub']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(rawDiffData, 
+                                                                                   lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'], 
+                                                                                   lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'],
+                                                                                   baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                                   ("Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n"
+                                                                                    + variableDisplayName),
+                                                                                   invalidMask=(~ goodInBothMask),
+                                                                                   uData=diffUData, vData=diffVData)),
+                                                  "the difference in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                                  "Diff.png",    compared_fig_list)
+            # make the trouble data plot
+            if ('do_plot_trouble' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_trouble']) :
+                assert(aData.shape == bData.shape)
+                assert(goodInAMask.shape == goodInBMask.shape)
+                assert('common' in lonLatDataDict)
+                assert('lat'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+                assert('lon'    in lonLatDataDict['common'])
+                assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'].shape == lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape)
+                assert(lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'].shape == aData.shape)
+                # this is not an optimal solution, but we need to have at least somewhat valid data at any mismatched points so
+                # that our plot won't be totally destroyed by missing or non-finite data from B
+                bDataCopy = bData[:]
+                tempMask = goodInAMask & (~goodInBMask) 
+                bDataCopy[tempMask] = aData[tempMask]
+                functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda : mappedPlottingFunction(bDataCopy, 
+                                                                                   lonLatDataDict['common']['lat'], 
+                                                                                   lonLatDataDict['common']['lon'],
+                                                                                   baseMapInstance, fullAxis,
+                                                                                   ("Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName),
+                                                                                   invalidMask=(~(goodInAMask | goodInBMask)),
+                                                                                   colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap, tagData=troubleMask,
+                                                                                   dataRanges=dataRanges,
+                                                                                   dataRangeNames=dataRangeNames,
+                                                                                   # TODO, does this need modification?
+                                                                                   uData=bUData, vData=bVData)), 
+                                                  "trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                                  "Trouble.png", compared_fig_list)
+        return functionsToReturn
+This class creates simple line plots based on simple one dimentional data.
+class LinePlotsFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
+    def create_plotting_functions (
+                                   self,
+                                   # the most basic data set needed
+                                   aData, bData,
+                                   variableDisplayName,
+                                   epsilon,
+                                   goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                   doPlotSettingsDict,
+                                   # where the names of the created figures will be stored
+                                   original_fig_list, compared_fig_list,
+                                   # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
+                                   lonLatDataDict=None,
+                                   # only used if we are plotting a contour
+                                   dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None,
+                                   shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=True,
+                                   # parameters that are only used if the data can be compared
+                                   # point by point
+                                   absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
+                                   goodInBothMask=None,
+                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   # only used for plotting quiver data
+                                   aUData=None, aVData=None,
+                                   bUData=None, bVData=None,
+                                   # only used for line plots
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   ) :
+        """
+        This method generates line plotting functions for one dimensional data
+        and returns them in a dictionary of tupples, where each tupple is in the form:
+            returnDictionary['descriptive name'] = (function, title, file_name, list_this_figure_should_go_into)
+        The file name is only the name of the file, not the full path.
+        """
+        assert(aData is not None)
+        assert(bData is not None)
+        # TODO, assert about more of the data
+        if len(aData.shape) > 1 :
+            assert(binIndex   is not None)
+            assert(tupleIndex is not None)
+            assert(binIndex   is not tupleIndex)
+            numIndexes   = len(aData.shape)
+            assert(binIndex   < numIndexes)
+            assert(tupleIndex < numIndexes)
+        # TODO, the rest of this function is not totally refactored but should be functional for now
+        # TODO, temporary
+        aList       = [ ]
+        bList       = [ ]
+        singleAList = [ ]
+        singleBList = [ ]
+        absDiffList = [ ]
+        subDiffList = [ ]
+        troubleSingleList = [ ]
+        troubleFullList   = [ ]
+        if len(aData.shape) > 1 :
+            newIndexList = _make_new_index_list(numIndexes, binIndex, tupleIndex)
+            aData              =              aData.transpose(newIndexList)
+            bData              =              bData.transpose(newIndexList)
+            goodInAMask        =        goodInAMask.transpose(newIndexList)
+            goodInBMask        =        goodInBMask.transpose(newIndexList)
+            absDiffData        =        absDiffData.transpose(newIndexList)
+            rawDiffData        =        rawDiffData.transpose(newIndexList)
+            goodInBothMask     =     goodInBothMask.transpose(newIndexList)
+            troubleMask        =        troubleMask.transpose(newIndexList)
+            outsideEpsilonMask = outsideEpsilonMask.transpose(newIndexList)
+            for firstIndexValue in range(aData.shape[0]) :
+                # get the a and b data with it's masks
+                aSlice           = filters.collapse_to_index(aData[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
+                bSlice           = filters.collapse_to_index(bData[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
+                goodInAMaskSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInAMask[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
+                goodInBMaskSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInBMask[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
+                # add to the plain a and b lists
+                aList.append((aSlice, ~goodInAMaskSlice, 'r', 'A data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), None))
+                bList.append((bSlice, ~goodInBMaskSlice, 'b', 'B data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), None))
+                # deal with the trouble data and it's list
+                troubleMaskSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(troubleMask[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
+                troubleFullList.append((aSlice, ~goodInAMaskSlice, 'r', 'A data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), troubleMaskSlice))
+                troubleFullList.append((bSlice, ~goodInBMaskSlice, 'b', 'B data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), troubleMaskSlice))
+                # get the diff data with it's masks
+                absDiffDataSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(absDiffData[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
+                rawDiffDataSlice = filters.collapse_to_index(rawDiffData[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
+                goodMaskSlice    = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInBothMask[firstIndexValue], (numIndexes - 1), collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
+                # add to the diff data lists
+                absDiffList.append((absDiffDataSlice, ~goodMaskSlice, '', 'abs. diff. data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), None))
+                subDiffList.append((rawDiffDataSlice, ~goodMaskSlice, '', 'sub. diff. data, ' + str(firstIndexValue), None))
+            # also collapse the masks
+            troubleMask        = filters.collapse_to_index(troubleMask,        numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
+            #outsideEpsilonMask = filters.collapse_to_index(outsideEpsilonMask, numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
+            #goodInBothMask     = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInBothMask,     numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
+            # make some averages
+            aDataAvg           = filters.collapse_to_index(aData,       numIndexes, missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
+            bDataAvg           = filters.collapse_to_index(bData,       numIndexes, missing_value=-999.0, ignore_below_exclusive=-990.0)
+            goodInAMaskAvg     = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInAMask, numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
+            goodInBMaskAvg     = filters.collapse_to_index(goodInBMask, numIndexes, collapsing_function=(lambda data: any(data)))
+            # make our averaged sets
+            singleAList       = [(aDataAvg, ~goodInAMaskAvg, 'r', 'A data', None)]
+            singleBList       = [(bDataAvg, ~goodInBMaskAvg, 'b', 'B data', None)]
+            troubleSingleList = [(aDataAvg, ~goodInAMaskAvg, 'r', 'A data', troubleMask),
+                                 (bDataAvg, ~goodInBMaskAvg, 'b', 'B data', troubleMask)]
+        else :
+            aList = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', None)]
+            bList = [(bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', None)]
+            absDiffList = [(absDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'abs. diff. data', None)]
+            subDiffList = [(rawDiffData, ~goodInBothMask, '', 'sub. diff. data', None)]
+            singleAList = aList
+            singleBList = bList
+            troubleFullList   = [(aData, ~goodInAMask, 'r', 'A data', troubleMask),
+                                 (bData, ~goodInBMask, 'b', 'B data', troubleMask)]
+            troubleSingleList = troubleFullList
+        # make a list of both the A and B values together
+        allList       = aList       + bList
+        allSingleList = singleAList + singleBList
+        functionsToReturn = { }
+        # make the original data plots
+        if ('do_plot_originals' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_originals']) :
+            functionsToReturn['original'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(allList,
+                                                                               variableDisplayName + "\nin Both Files")),
+                                             variableDisplayName + " in both files",
+                                             "AB.png", original_fig_list)
+            functionsToReturn['originalA'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(aList,
+                                                                                variableDisplayName + "\nin File A")),
+                                              variableDisplayName + " in file a",
+                                              "A.png",  original_fig_list)
+            functionsToReturn['originalB'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(bList,
+                                                                                variableDisplayName + "\nin File B")),
+                                              variableDisplayName + " in file b",
+                                              "B.png",  original_fig_list)
+            if len(allSingleList) < len(allList) :
+                functionsToReturn['originalS'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(allSingleList,
+                                                                                    variableDisplayName + "\nAvg. in Both Files")),
+                                                  variableDisplayName + " avg. in both files",
+                                                  "ABsingle.png", original_fig_list)
+                functionsToReturn['originalAS'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(singleAList,
+                                                                                     variableDisplayName + "\nAvg. in File A")),
+                                                   variableDisplayName + " avg. in file a",
+                                                   "Asingle.png",  original_fig_list)
+                functionsToReturn['originalBS'] = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(singleBList,
+                                                                                     variableDisplayName + "\nAvg. in File B")),
+                                                   variableDisplayName + " avg. in file b",
+                                                   "Bsingle.png",  original_fig_list)
+        # make the absolute value difference plot
+        if ('do_plot_abs_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_abs_diff']) :
+            functionsToReturn['diffAbs']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(absDiffList,
+                                                                               "Absolute value of difference in\n" + variableDisplayName)),
+                                              "absolute value of difference in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "AbsDiff.png", compared_fig_list)
+        # make the subtractive difference plot
+        if ('do_plot_sub_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_sub_diff']) :
+            functionsToReturn['diffSub']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(subDiffList,
+                                                                               "Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n" + variableDisplayName)),
+                                              "the difference in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Diff.png",    compared_fig_list)
+        # make the trouble data plot
+        if ('do_plot_trouble' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_trouble']) :
+            functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(troubleFullList,
+                                                                               "Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName)),
+                                              "trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Trouble.png", compared_fig_list)
+            if len(troubleSingleList) < len(troubleFullList) :
+                functionsToReturn['troubleAvg']   = ((lambda: figures.create_line_plot_figure(troubleSingleList,
+                                                                                       "Avg. areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName)),
+                                                     "avg. trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                                     "TroubleAvg.png", compared_fig_list)
+        return functionsToReturn
+This class creates simple imshow plots of 2D data
+class IMShowPlotFunctionFactory (PlottingFunctionFactory) :
+    def create_plotting_functions (
+                                   self,
+                                   # the most basic data set needed
+                                   aData, bData,
+                                   variableDisplayName,
+                                   epsilon,
+                                   goodInAMask, goodInBMask,
+                                   doPlotSettingsDict,
+                                   # where the names of the created figures will be stored
+                                   original_fig_list, compared_fig_list,
+                                   # parameters that are only needed for geolocated data
+                                   lonLatDataDict=None,
+                                   # only used if we are plotting a contour
+                                   dataRanges=None, dataRangeNames=None, dataColors=None,
+                                   shouldUseSharedRangeForOriginal=True,
+                                   # parameters that are only used if the data can be compared
+                                   # point by point
+                                   absDiffData=None, rawDiffData=None,
+                                   goodInBothMask=None,
+                                   troubleMask=None, outsideEpsilonMask=None,
+                                   # only used for plotting quiver data
+                                   aUData=None, aVData=None,
+                                   bUData=None, bVData=None,
+                                   # only used for line plots
+                                   binIndex=None, tupleIndex=None
+                                   ) :
+        """
+        This method generates imshow plotting functions for two dimensional data
+        and returns them in a dictionary of tupples, where each tupple is in the form:
+            returnDictionary['descriptive name'] = (function, title, file_name, list_this_figure_should_go_into)
+        The file name is only the name of the file, not the full path.
+        """
+        assert(aData is not None)
+        assert(bData is not None)
+        functionsToReturn = { }
+        # make the original data plots
+        if ('do_plot_originals' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_originals']) :
+            assert(goodInAMask is not None)
+            assert(aData.shape == goodInAMask.shape)
+            functionsToReturn['originalA'] = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(aData, variableDisplayName + "\nin File A",
+                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInAMask)),
+                                              variableDisplayName + " in file a",
+                                              "A.png",  original_fig_list)
+            assert(goodInBMask is not None)
+            assert(bData.shape == goodInBMask.shape)
+            functionsToReturn['originalB'] = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(bData, variableDisplayName + "\nin File B",
+                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInBMask)),
+                                              variableDisplayName + " in file b",
+                                              "B.png",  original_fig_list)
+        # make the absolute value difference plot
+        if ('do_plot_abs_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_abs_diff']) :
+            assert(absDiffData    is not None)
+            assert(goodInBothMask is not None)
+            assert(goodInBothMask.shape == absDiffData.shape)
+            functionsToReturn['diffAbs']   = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(absDiffData,
+                                                                            "Absolute value of difference in\n" + variableDisplayName,
+                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInBothMask)),
+                                              "absolute value of difference in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "AbsDiff.png", compared_fig_list)
+        # make the subtractive difference plot
+        if ('do_plot_sub_diff' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_sub_diff']) :
+            assert(rawDiffData    is not None)
+            assert(goodInBothMask is not None)
+            assert(goodInBothMask.shape == rawDiffData.shape)
+            functionsToReturn['diffSub']   = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(rawDiffData,
+                                                                            "Value of (Data File B - Data File A) for\n" + variableDisplayName,
+                                                                            invalidMask=~goodInBothMask)),
+                                              "the difference in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Diff.png",    compared_fig_list)
+        # make the trouble data plot
+        if ('do_plot_trouble' not in doPlotSettingsDict) or (doPlotSettingsDict['do_plot_trouble']) :
+            assert(goodInAMask is not None)
+            assert(goodInBMask is not None)
+            assert(goodInAMask.shape == goodInBMask.shape)
+            assert(aData.shape       == bData.shape)
+            assert(aData.shape       == goodInAMask.shape)
+            assert(troubleMask is not None)
+            assert(troubleMask.shape == aData.shape)
+            # this is not an optimal solution, but we need to have at least somewhat valid data at any mismatched points so
+            # that our plot won't be totally destroyed by missing or non-finite data from B
+            bDataCopy = bData[:]
+            tempMask = goodInAMask & (~goodInBMask) 
+            bDataCopy[tempMask] = aData[tempMask]
+            functionsToReturn['trouble']   = ((lambda: figures.create_simple_figure(bDataCopy, "Areas of trouble data in\n" + variableDisplayName,
+                                                                            invalidMask=~(goodInAMask | goodInBMask), tagData=troubleMask,
+                                                                            colorMap=mediumGrayColorMap)),
+                                              "trouble data in " + variableDisplayName,
+                                              "Trouble.png", compared_fig_list)
+        return functionsToReturn
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod()