diff --git a/tile_gen/generate_tiles.py b/tile_gen/generate_tiles.py
index 0a5c7e8c5158f07c994cbacc6c636f6e3c486f17..d57be4fe2e658394eeaaf27c3403bd396c27a58f 100644
--- a/tile_gen/generate_tiles.py
+++ b/tile_gen/generate_tiles.py
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ def link_or_copy(input_tifs, out_dir):
     """Hardlink input tifs to output directory."""
     for prod_file in input_tifs:
         out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(prod_file))
+        if os.path.exists(out_file):
+            yield out_file
+            continue
             os.link(prod_file, out_file)
         except OSError:
@@ -77,6 +80,10 @@ def main():
                              "and added times (ex. '{\'times_removed\': [], "
                              "\'times_added\': []}'). Times are in the form: "
+    parser.add_argument('--shared-bbox', action='store_true',
+                        help="Assume that all input geotiffs have the same "
+                             "bounding box so no need to compute it for every "
+                             "input.")
                         help="Output path to save tile information to (ex. '/data/tiles/{product}')")
     parser.add_argument('input_files', nargs="+",
@@ -105,13 +112,16 @@ def main():
         # create shape file
         LOG.info("Rebuilding shapefile index with:\n\t{}".format(", ".join(all_prod_files)))
-        removed_times, added_times = tile_index.index(all_prod_files, shp_pathname)
+        removed_times, added_times = tile_index.index(
+            all_prod_files, shp_pathname, shared_bbox=args.shared_bbox)
     if args.json_times:
-        all_removed = [x.isoformat() for x in sorted(all_removed)]
-        all_added = [x.isoformat() for x in sorted(all_added)]
+        # all_removed = [x.isoformat() for x in sorted(all_removed)]
+        # all_added = [x.isoformat() for x in sorted(all_added)]
+        all_removed = sorted(all_removed)
+        all_added = sorted(all_added)
         print(json.dumps({'removed_times': all_removed, 'added_times': all_added}))
diff --git a/tile_gen/run.sh b/tile_gen/run.sh
index 0870e54780c452ab86d74064a2b102c2195f87ad..a7f328e67abea2243ee59eb1c70512211f8d00e4 100755
--- a/tile_gen/run.sh
+++ b/tile_gen/run.sh
@@ -61,9 +61,13 @@ run_tile_gen() {
         # add string formatting portion to separate add 'product' sub-directory
+    # Add optimization to only compute the bboxonce
+    if ([ "$data_type" == "radf" ] || [ "$data_type" == "radc" ]) && [ $TILE_ARGS =~ "shared" ]; then
+        TILE_ARGS="${TILE_ARGS} --shared-bbox"
+    fi
     echo "Generating tiles in directory: ${out_dir}"
     for product in ${G2G_PRODUCTS}; do
-        json_times_changed=$(python3 generate_tiles.py ${TILE_ARGS} --json-times -p ${product} -- ${out_dir} ${path})
+        json_times_changed=$(python3 generate_tiles.py ${TILE_ARGS} --json-times -p ${product} -- ${out_dir} "${path}")
         # OUT/<product>/<product>.shp
         # Remove the /data prefix
@@ -81,5 +85,5 @@ run_tile_gen() {
 export -f run_tile_gen
 echo "Listening to AMQP messages with topic \"$AMQPFIND_TOPIC\""
-python3 amqpfind/amqpfind.py ${AMQPFIND_ARGS} -C "${AMQPFIND_TOPIC}" -j "{satellite_family} {satellite_ID} {instrument} {data_type} \'{path}\'" | xargs -I{} -P3 -n1 bash -c "run_tile_gen {}"
+python3 amqpfind/amqpfind.py ${AMQPFIND_ARGS} -C "${AMQPFIND_TOPIC}" -j "{satellite_family} {satellite_ID} {instrument} {data_type} \'{path}\'" | xargs -I{} -P4 -n1 bash -c "run_tile_gen {}"
diff --git a/tile_gen/tile_index.py b/tile_gen/tile_index.py
index dfdfcc894587918744f369c03965522d6352ba85..bba12ad9f494baa1ea9372608fad992455219016 100644
--- a/tile_gen/tile_index.py
+++ b/tile_gen/tile_index.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ possible_time_regex = (
-def get_current_times(shp_filename):
+def previous_shapes_generator(shp_filename):
     """Get currently available times in the shapefile."""
     if not os.path.isfile(shp_filename):
         # no shapefile, no times
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ def get_current_times(shp_filename):
     with fiona.open(shp_filename, 'r') as shp_file:
         for time_step in shp_file:
-            t = time_step['properties']['time']
-            yield datetime.datetime.strptime(t, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+            yield time_step['properties']['location'], time_step
 def get_file_time(fn):
@@ -62,7 +61,47 @@ def get_file_time(fn):
         raise ValueError("Unknown filename scheme, can't determine file time.")
-def index(input_files, output_shapefile):
+def shapes_generator(input_files, prev_shapefile, shared_bbox=False):
+    prev_shapes = previous_shapes_generator(prev_shapefile)
+    default_shape = (None, None)
+    location, shape_info = next(prev_shapes, default_shape)
+    while location is not None:
+        if location != input_files[0]:
+            # the old shapefile includes a file that we no longer want
+            # keep going through the existing shapes until we find one we
+            # do want
+            location, shape_info = next(prev_shapes, default_shape)
+            yield 'removed', location, shape_info
+            continue
+        yield 'existing', location, shape_info
+        location, shape_info = next(prev_shapes, default_shape)
+        input_files = input_files[1:]
+    # from here on out these are all newly added files
+    bbox_cache = None
+    for f in input_files:
+        try:
+            dt = get_file_time(f)
+        except ValueError:
+            logger.error(f"Can't time for file {f}")
+            continue
+        logger.info(f"Indexing {f} {dt.isoformat()}")
+        if bbox_cache is None or not shared_bbox:
+            with rasterio.open(f) as src:
+                bbox_cache = mapping(box(*src.bounds))
+        shape_info = {
+            'geometry': bbox_cache,
+            'properties': {
+                'location': f,
+                'time': dt.isoformat(),
+            },
+        }
+        yield 'added', f, shape_info
+def index(input_files, output_shapefile, shared_bbox=False):
     """Create shapefile for location and times of provided geotiffs or tileDB arrays.
     Note: All layers to be included in the shapefile must be provided all at
@@ -78,30 +117,17 @@ def index(input_files, output_shapefile):
     out_dir, shp_fn = os.path.split(output_shapefile)
     tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("_tile_index")
     tmp_shapefile = os.path.join(tmp_dir, shp_fn)
-    current_times = set(get_current_times(output_shapefile))
-    new_times = set()
+    times_added = []
+    times_removed = []
     with fiona.open(tmp_shapefile, 'w', driver='ESRI Shapefile',
                     schema=temporal_schema) as output:
-        for f in input_files:
-            try:
-                dt = get_file_time(f)
-                new_times.add(dt)
-            except ValueError:
-                logger.error(f"Can't time for file {f}")
+        for shape_state, location, shape_info in shapes_generator(input_files, output_shapefile, shared_bbox=shared_bbox):
+            if shape_state == 'removed':
+                times_removed.append(shape_info['properties']['time'])
-            logger.info(f"Indexing {f} {dt.isoformat()}")
-            with rasterio.open(f) as src:
-                g = box(*src.bounds)
-                output.write(
-                    {
-                        'geometry': mapping(g),
-                        'properties': {
-                            'location': f,
-                            'time': dt.isoformat()
-                        }
-                    })
+            if shape_state == 'added':
+                times_added.append(shape_info['properties']['time'])
+            output.write(shape_info)
     # move the shapefile contents to the final destination
     for fn in os.listdir(tmp_dir):
@@ -109,39 +135,7 @@ def index(input_files, output_shapefile):
     # we don't need the temporary directory anymore
     shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
-    times_removed = current_times - new_times
-    times_added = new_times - current_times
-    return sorted(times_removed), sorted(times_added)
-# def index(src_dir, output):
-#   files = glob.glob(os.path.join(src_dir, '*.tif'))
-#   folders = [os.path.join(src_dir, o) for o in os.listdir(src_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(src_dir, o))]
-#     with fiona.open(output, 'w', driver='ESRI Shapefile',
-#                     schema=temporal_schema) as output:
-#         # simple toggle between indexing tiff files or tiledb arrays
-#         if len(files) > 0:
-#             it = files
-#         else:
-#             it = folders
-#         for f in it:
-#             parts = f.split('_')
-#             tstamp = parts[5] + parts[6]
-#             dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(tstamp, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
-#             logger.info(f"Indexing {f} {dt.isoformat()}")
-#             with rasterio.open(f) as src:
-#                 g = box(*src.bounds)
-#                 output.write(
-#                     {
-#                         'geometry': mapping(g),
-#                         'properties': {
-#                             'location': f,
-#                             'time': dt.isoformat()
-#                         }
-#                     })
+    return times_removed, times_added
 def main():