# Cluster Resource Administration

This directory includes Kubernetes resources that should be installed on
Kubernetes clusters that will have GeoSphere deployed on them. While there
may be local cluster builtin equivalents to the resources defined here, these
builtin names are not used in the current configuration in this deploy
repository. The builtin resources could be used instead of installing the
resources defined in this directory by updating the `values-X.yaml` files in
the various directories and in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` configuration file.

## K3s - Kubekorner

### Local Path Configuration

When running on a K3S-based (rancher) cluster like the one currently running
on kubekorner.ssec.wisc.edu, the local path provisioner should be updated to
point to larger storage paths. The K3S cluster software comes with a local
path provisioner as the default storage provisioner. This means that when an
application asks for generic storage (PersistentVolumeClaim), this provisioner
will be used to find and provide the storage. However, by default this
provisioner is configured to give access to
`/var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage` which is typically space limited.

By modifying the `config.json` stored in the `local-path-config` ConfigMap,
we can tell the provisioner where storage should be provided from for each
node. See
for more information.

To apply:

echo -e "data:\n  config.json: |-" > tmp.yaml
cat k3s-local-path-config.json | awk '{ print "    " $0 }' >> tmp.yaml
# dry run
kubectl patch -n kube-system cm/local-path-config --type merge --patch "$(cat tmp.yaml)" --dry-run=client
# not dry run
kubectl patch -n kube-system cm/local-path-config --type merge --patch "$(cat tmp.yaml)"

### MinIO - Local S3 storage

For easy data storage using an S3 interface we install MinIO on our K3s
cluster. This will take advantage of the local path provisioner we
configured above so that the storage has more than the couple hundred
gigabytes of storage in the default location.

To do the initial MinIO installation run the following in the bash terminal
on the cluster:

helm upgrade -v 2 --install -f admin/values-geosphere-minio.yaml --set accessKey=false --set secretKey=false -n $namespace geosphere-minio stable/minio

The values YAML file provides configuration information specific to this MinIO
installation. The accessKey and secretKey set to `false` cause the helm chart
to generate random values for these. These values are then used to authenticate
to the S3 storage in the application. Because of this, it is important that the
"release" be called "geosphere-minio" as above so the various parts of this
installation can be found by the geosphere application.

Note, if your helm installation doesn't already have the stable chart
repository added you may need to do:

helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
helm repo update

Next, we need to configure life cycle policies for the MinIO buckets so
that they are automatically cleared of old data. On the cluster run:

ak=$(kubectl get secret -n "$namespace" geosphere-minio -o jsonpath="{.data.accesskey}" | base64 -d)
sk=$(kubectl get secret -n "$namespace" geosphere-minio -o jsonpath="{.data.secretkey}" | base64 -d)
curl -O "https://gitlab.ssec.wisc.edu/cspp_geo/geosphere/geosphere-deploy/-/blob/master/admin/abi-netcdf-bucket-lifecycle.json"
for bucket in g16-abi-l1b-netcdf g17-abi-l1b-netcdf; do
    kubectl run -n "$namespace" --env=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$ak" --env=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$sk" --restart=Never --rm -it --image=amazon/aws-cli set-bucket-lifecycle -- --endpoint-url "http://geosphere-minio:9000" s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration --bucket "$bucket" --lifecycle-configuration="$(cat abi-netcdf-bucket-lifecycle.json)"

#### Upgrading existing MinIO installation

If upgrading an existing installation of MinIO then we must make sure that
we tell the helm chart what the existing accessKey and secretKey are or it
will generate new random values for these and clients may become out of sync.

To do this, run the following in bash on the cluster:

ak=$(kubectl get secret -n "$namespace" geosphere-minio -o jsonpath="{.data.accesskey}" | base64 -d)
sk=$(kubectl get secret -n "$namespace" geosphere-minio -o jsonpath="{.data.secretkey}" | base64 -d)
EXTRA_ARGS="--set accessKey=$ak --set secretKey=$sk"
helm upgrade -v 2 --install -f production/values-geosphere-minio.yaml $EXTRA_ARGS -n $namespace geosphere-minio stable/minio

Note, `geosphere-minio` in the above commands must match the name of the release
from the original installation.

### Longhorn - Shared Block Storage

Most cloud platforms have some concept of a shared block storage (AWS EBS,
GCP Persistent Storage, etc). These can be mounted as normal volumes in our
containers. Although our K3S installation has a local path provisioner these
volumes are limited to one single node. We need another solution that shares
the volumes between nodes. That's where longhorn comes in.

Follow the official longhorn installation instructions:


Unless newer versions no longer require it, on kubekorner we needed to install
and enable a iscsi daemon:

yum install iscsi-initiator-utils
systemctl enable iscsid
systemctl start iscsid

If you have a particular mount on the cluster nodes that has more space than
the default `/var` path, you may want to customize this setting. For longhorn
1.0 you can do this by adding `--set defaultSettings.defaultDataPath=/data` to
your helm install command.

Additionally, if your cluster only has 1 or 2 nodes you may want to change the
default number of replica volumes longhorn attempts to create. Otherwise, by
default, longhorn's "hard affinity" will stop volumes from being created since
it can't make all of the replicas (only one replica per node).

At the time of writing, kubekorner has had its longhorn instance installed with:

helm install longhorn ./chart/ --namespace longhorn-system --set defaultSettings.defaultReplicaCount=1 --set persistence.defaultClassReplicaCount=1  --set ingress.enabled=true --set ingress.host="kubekorner.ssec.wisc.edu" --set defaultSettings.defaultDataPath="/data"

From the webUI or following longhorn's current instructions we can change most
if not all of these settings. If a cluster with one node has more nodes added
on in the future you may want to consider increasing the replicate count.

### Storage - Local Large Cache

**DEPRECATED**: See local path provisioner above.

This storage class and persistent volume can be used for cases where a
GeoSphere component needs relatively high performance and
large capacity storage. Both the StorageClass and the PersistentVolume
are defined in `local-large-cache.yaml`. This storage is primarily used
for GeoSphere's tile cache (used by MapCache). It defines large storage
that is physically located/connected to the node where the pod is being
run or at least performs like it is. The term "large" here refers to
multiple terabytes (3-10TB). While this isn't large in generic storage
terms, it is considered large for a "cache" which is not guaranteed to

To apply:

kubectl apply -f local-large-cache.yaml

To delete (make unavailable):

kubectl delete pv/local-large-cache
kubectl delete sc/local-large-cache

### Storage - Local Medium Archive

**DEPRECATED**: See local path provisioner above.

Similar to Local Large Cache above, but larger available space. Note this
should only be used for testing as data will be deleted when the claim
is removed.