stages: - get chart - build prereqs - create storage - deploy rabbit - deploy GRB - deploy G2G - deploy tile gen - deploy WMS - deploy WMTS - deploy Client variables: DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://localhost:2375" DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 HELM_EXPERIMENTAL_OCI: "1" CICHART_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/cichart:latest" include: - local: "/helpers/build_image.yaml" - local: "/helpers/docker_base.yaml" - local: "/helpers/helm_base.yaml" build ci: stage: .pre extends: .docker_based_job script: - cd cichart - docker build --tag $CICHART_IMAGE . - docker push $CICHART_IMAGE rules: # no need to build if another project triggered us - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "pipeline" when: never - changes: - cichart/Dockerfile when: always - if: $BUILD_CI_IMAGE when: always build sidecar rabbit init: stage: build prereqs extends: .build_image variables: IMAGE_NAME: cspp-geo-rabbit-init IMAGE_DIR: sidecars/cspp-geo-rabbit-init rules: # no need to build if another project triggered us - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "pipeline" when: never - changes: - sidecars/cspp-geo-rabbit-init/Dockerfile - sidecars/cspp-geo-rabbit-init/ when: always - if: $BUILD_PREREQS when: always create geotiff storage: extends: .helm_based_job stage: create storage script: - ns=$(./helpers/ # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config . - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config) - ./helpers/ "$ns" "ci_geosphere-test/geotiff-pvc.yaml" "cspp-geo-geo2grid" "$kubeconfig" # this job doesn't actually need any artifacts from previous jobs dependencies: [] rules: - changes: - ci_geosphere-test/geotiff-pvc.yaml when: always - if: $CREATE_STORAGE when: always create shapefile storage: extends: .helm_based_job stage: create storage script: - ns=$(./helpers/ # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config . - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config) - ./helpers/ "$ns" "ci_geosphere-test/shapefiles-pvc.yaml" "geosphere-tile-gen-shapefiles" "$kubeconfig" # this job doesn't actually need any artifacts from previous jobs dependencies: [] rules: - changes: - ci_geosphere-test/shapefiles-pvc.yaml when: always - if: $CREATE_STORAGE when: always .get_chart_tmpl: extends: .helm_based_job stage: get chart variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS_BASE: "" # required: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "" SUBCOMP_BRANCH: "master" script: - repos_url="${SUBCOMP_REPOS_BASE}/${SUBCOMP_REPOS}" - git clone --depth 1 --branch ${SUBCOMP_BRANCH} $repos_url - cd ${SUBCOMP_REPOS} # most recent docker image should be tagged with most recent SHA - docker_tag=$(git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD) - echo $docker_tag - cd chart # make the docker tag available in later stages - echo export docker_tag=$docker_tag >${SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR}/cibuild.env - |- sed -i "s/^appVersion: .*\$/appVersion: ${docker_tag}/g" ${SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR}/Chart.yaml # debug: - helm template ${SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR} ${SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR} artifacts: paths: - ${SUBCOMP_REPOS}/chart/${SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR} when: on_success expire_in: 30 minutes # XXX: Do we always want to clone the subcomponent # rules: # - if: '$GEOSPHERE_SUBCOMP == ""' # when: always # - if: '$GEOSPHERE_SUBCOMP == $SUBCOMP_NAME' # when: always # - when: never get_chart_grb: extends: .get_chart_tmpl variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "geosphere-grb" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "cspp-geo-grb" get_chart_geo2grid: extends: .get_chart_tmpl variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "geosphere-geo2grid" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "cspp-geo-geo2grid" get_chart_tilegen: extends: .get_chart_tmpl variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "geosphere-tile-gen" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "geosphere-tile-gen" get_chart_mapserver: extends: .get_chart_tmpl variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "geosphere-mapserver" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "geosphere-mapserver" get_chart_mapcache: extends: .get_chart_tmpl variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "geosphere-mapcache" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "geosphere-mapcache" get_chart_client: extends: .get_chart_tmpl variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "geosphere-client" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "geosphere-client" get_chart_client_test: extends: .get_chart_tmpl variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "geosphere-client" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "geosphere-client" SUBCOMP_BRANCH: "develop" deploy_prod_rabbit: environment: name: geosphere-test url: extends: .helm_based_job stage: deploy rabbit script: - ns=$(./helpers/ # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config . - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config) # get password from any previous installation # if we don't do this the password will get out of sync - sec_info=$(kubectl --kubeconfig $kubeconfig get secret --namespace geosphere-test geosphere-rabbit-rabbitmq || echo "") - echo $sec_info - auth_sec="geosphere-rabbit-rabbitmq" - if [ "$sec_info" != "" ]; then pw=$(kubectl --kubeconfig $kubeconfig get secret --namespace $ns $auth_sec -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-password}" | base64 -d); ec=$(kubectl --kubeconfig $kubeconfig get secret --namespace $ns $auth_sec -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-erlang-cookie}" | base64 -d); EXTRA_ARGS="--set auth.password=$pw --set auth.erlangCookie=$ec"; fi - echo $EXTRA_ARGS # install third-party rabbitmq server - helm repo add bitnami "" - helm upgrade -v 2 --install --kubeconfig $kubeconfig -f ci_geosphere-test/values-geosphere-rabbit.yaml $EXTRA_ARGS --namespace $ns geosphere-rabbit bitnami/rabbitmq # do a little waiting for the rabbitmq pod to be ready so future stages # don't fail to communicate with it - kubectl wait -n geosphere-test pod/geosphere-rabbit-rabbitmq-0 --timeout 60s --for=condition=Ready # this job doesn't actually need any artifacts from previous jobs dependencies: [] rules: - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == ""' when: never # no need to build if another project triggered us - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "pipeline" when: never - changes: - ci_geosphere-test/values-geosphere-rabbit.yaml when: always - if: $DEPLOY_RABBIT when: always deploy_g16_grb: environment: name: geosphere-test url: extends: .helm_based_job stage: deploy GRB script: - ns=$(./helpers/ - cd geosphere-grb/chart - source cspp-geo-grb/cibuild.env # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config . - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config) - echo "Deploying version $docker_tag to cluster namespace $ns" # copy extra values files to the local directory (where helm has access via docker mount) - cp ../../ci_geosphere-test/values-grb-g16.yaml . # namespace names are the same as domain names - helm upgrade -v 2 --install --kubeconfig $kubeconfig --namespace $ns --set persistence.enabled=true --set persistence.storageClass=longhorn -f values-grb-g16.yaml cspp-geo-grb cspp-geo-grb/ dependencies: - get_chart_grb rules: - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == ""' when: never - when: on_success deploy_geo2grid_g16_radf: environment: name: geosphere-test url: extends: .helm_based_job stage: deploy G2G script: - ns=$(./helpers/ - cd geosphere-geo2grid/chart - source cspp-geo-geo2grid/cibuild.env # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config . - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config) - echo "Deploying version $docker_tag to cluster namespace $ns" # copy extra values files to the local directory (where helm has access via docker mount) - cp ../../ci_geosphere-test/values-geo2grid-g16-radf.yaml . # namespace names are the same as domain names - helm upgrade -v 2 --install --kubeconfig $kubeconfig --namespace $ns -f values-geo2grid-g16-radf.yaml cspp-geo-geo2grid cspp-geo-geo2grid/ dependencies: - get_chart_geo2grid rules: - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == ""' when: never - when: on_success .deploy_tile_gen: # environment: # name: geosphere-test # url: variables: DEPLOY_SUFFIX: "" extends: .helm_based_job stage: deploy tile gen script: - ./helpers/ "$DEPLOY_SUFFIX" dependencies: - get_chart_tilegen rules: - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == ""' when: never - when: on_success deploy tile gen g16 radf: extends: .deploy_tile_gen variables: DEPLOY_SUFFIX: "-g16-radf" deploy tile gen g16 radc: extends: .deploy_tile_gen variables: DEPLOY_SUFFIX: "-g16-radc" #deploy_tile_gen_g16_radm1: # extends: .deploy_tile_gen # variables: # DEPLOY_SUFFIX: "-g16-radm1" # #deploy_tile_gen_g16_radm2: # extends: .deploy_tile_gen # variables: # DEPLOY_SUFFIX: "-g16-radm2" deploy_mapserver: environment: name: geosphere-test url: extends: .helm_based_job stage: deploy WMS script: - ns=$(./helpers/ - cd geosphere-mapserver/chart - source geosphere-mapserver/cibuild.env # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config . - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config) - echo "Deploying version $docker_tag to cluster namespace $ns" # copy extra values files to the local directory (where helm has access via docker mount) - cp ../../ci_geosphere-test/values-mapserver.yaml . # namespace names are the same as domain names - helm upgrade -v 2 --install --kubeconfig $kubeconfig --namespace $ns -f values-mapserver.yaml geosphere-mapserver geosphere-mapserver/ dependencies: - get_chart_mapserver rules: - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == ""' when: never - when: on_success deploy_mapcache: environment: name: geosphere-test url: extends: .helm_based_job stage: deploy WMTS script: - ns=$(./helpers/ - cd geosphere-mapcache/chart - source geosphere-mapcache/cibuild.env # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config . - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config) - echo "Deploying version $docker_tag to cluster namespace $ns" # copy extra values files to the local directory (where helm has access via docker mount) - cp ../../ci_geosphere-test/values-mapcache.yaml . # namespace names are the same as domain names - helm upgrade -v 2 --install --kubeconfig $kubeconfig --namespace $ns -f values-mapcache.yaml geosphere-mapcache geosphere-mapcache/ dependencies: - get_chart_mapcache rules: - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == ""' when: never - when: on_success deploy_client_test: environment: name: geosphere-test url: extends: .helm_based_job stage: deploy Client script: - ns="geosphere-test" - cd geosphere-client/chart - source geosphere-client/cibuild.env # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config . - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config) - echo "Deploying version $docker_tag to cluster namespace $ns" # copy extra values files to the local directory (where helm has access via docker mount) - cp ../../ci_geosphere-test/values-client.yaml . # namespace names are the same as domain names - helm upgrade -v 2 --install --kubeconfig $kubeconfig --namespace $ns -f values-client.yaml geosphere-client geosphere-client/ dependencies: - get_chart_client_test rules: - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == ""' when: never - when: on_success deploy_client_production: environment: name: geosphere url: extends: .helm_based_job stage: deploy Client script: - ns="geosphere" - cd geosphere-client/chart - source geosphere-client/cibuild.env # copy secret kubeconfig to the mounted (pwd) directory - cp $kubekorner_k3s_config . - kubeconfig=$(basename $kubekorner_k3s_config) - echo "Deploying version $docker_tag to cluster namespace $ns" # copy extra values files to the local directory (where helm has access via docker mount) - cp ../../ci_geosphere/values-client.yaml . # namespace names are the same as domain names - helm upgrade -v 2 --install --kubeconfig $kubeconfig --namespace $ns -f values-client.yaml geosphere-client geosphere-client/ dependencies: - get_chart_client rules: - if: '$kubekorner_k3s_config == ""' when: never - when: on_success