stages: get_charts deploy_rabbit deploy_grb deploy_g2g deploy_wms deploy_wmts .get_chart_tmpl: variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS_BASE: "" # required: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "" script: - repos_url="${SUBCOMP_REPOS_BASE}/${SUBCOMP_REPOS}" - git clone --depth 1 $repos_url - cd ${SUBCOMP_REPOS} # most recent docker image should be tagged with most recent SHA - docker_tag=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) - echo $docker_tag - cd chart - |- sed -i "s/^appVersion: .*\$/appVersion: ${docker_tag}/g" ${SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR}/Chart.yaml # debug: - helm template ${SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR} . # XXX: Do we always want to clone the subcomponent # rules: # - if: '$GEOSPHERE_SUBCOMP == ""' # when: always # - if: '$GEOSPHERE_SUBCOMP == $SUBCOMP_NAME' # when: always # - when: never get_chart_grb: extends: .get_chart_tmpl variables: SUBCOMP_REPOS: "geosphere-grb" SUBCOMP_CHART_DIR: "cspp-geo-grb"