diff --git a/gridded_glm/libexec/_glm_trio_picker.py b/gridded_glm/libexec/_glm_trio_picker.py
index 01fcde73cc21b5479755c5d9adeb20c83911d328..44bda3194b5fbbfc9dac2ba06fb0faac2f02e3eb 100644
--- a/gridded_glm/libexec/_glm_trio_picker.py
+++ b/gridded_glm/libexec/_glm_trio_picker.py
@@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # and run gridded glm a'la:
     #    minute_gridder.sh \
-    #     --goes-position auto --goes-sector full \
+    #     --goes-sector full \
     #     --create-tiles \
     #     ./2020-11-05/CLASS/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529000_e20203101529205_c20203101529215.nc \
     #     ./2020-11-05/CLASS/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529200_e20203101529405_c20203101529430.nc \
     #     ./2020-11-05/CLASS/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529400_e20203101530004_c20203101530021.nc
-                    "--goes-position", "auto",
                     "--goes-sector", "full",
                     fileglob[0], fileglob[1], fileglob[2]]
diff --git a/gridded_glm/libexec/_minute_gridder.py b/gridded_glm/libexec/_minute_gridder.py
index 4b4709055d40849f64fd8912291a63c1358f2aab..1d9758cf301cfd463575aa79ce40c7e48a680222 100644
--- a/gridded_glm/libexec/_minute_gridder.py
+++ b/gridded_glm/libexec/_minute_gridder.py
@@ -36,12 +36,8 @@ def create_parser():
     parser.add_argument('--goes-sector', default="full",
                         help="One of [full|conus|meso]. "
-                             "Requires goes_position. If sector is "
-                             "meso, ctr_lon and ctr_lat are interpreted as "
-                             "the ctr_x and ctr_y of the fixed grid")
-    parser.add_argument('--goes-position', default="auto",
-                        help="One of [east|west|test|auto]. "
-                             "Requires '--goes-sector'.")
+                             "If sector is meso, ctr_lon and ctr_lat "
+                             "are interpreted as the ctr_x and ctr_y of the fixed grid.")
     parser.add_argument("-t", "--create-tiles", default=False, action='store_true',
                         help="create AWIPS-compatible tiles") # FIXME: improve this help text
     parser.add_argument('--ctr-lat', metavar='latitude',
@@ -99,7 +95,7 @@ def get_goes_position(filenames):
         return "west"
     # we require that all files are from the same sensor and raise an exception if not
-    raise ValueError("position 'auto' but could not determine position - did you provide a mix of satellites?")
+    raise ValueError("could not determine GOES position - did you provide a mix of satellites?")
 def get_start_end(filenames, start_time=None, end_time=None):
@@ -145,10 +141,7 @@ def grid_setup(args, work_dir=os.getcwd()):
     outputpath = os.path.join(work_dir, "{dataset_name}") # GLMTools expects a template in addition to the path
-    if args.goes_position == "auto":
-        goes_position = get_goes_position(args.filenames)
-    else:
-        goes_position = args.goes_position
+    goes_position = get_goes_position(args.filenames)
     resln = get_resolution(args)
     view = get_GOESR_grid(position=goes_position,