diff --git a/buildbucket/buildbucket_environment.yaml b/buildbucket/buildbucket_environment.yaml
index 84bcd1d2badf8ab4b7a5015b69ee88ba9f184086..d2231fa7952630a315ba9ed523350ef306b9d5a7 100644
--- a/buildbucket/buildbucket_environment.yaml
+++ b/buildbucket/buildbucket_environment.yaml
@@ -15,4 +15,16 @@ dependencies:
   - scipy
   - setuptools
   - xarray
-  - zarr
\ No newline at end of file
+  - zarr
+  # satpy dependencies:
+  - configobj
+  - pykdtree
+  - pyresample
+  - trollsift
+  - trollimage
+  - shapely
+  - pip:
+    - git+https://github.com/deeplycloudy/lmatools.git@minvaluegrids
+    - git+https://github.com/deeplycloudy/stormdrain.git
+    - git+https://github.com/deeplycloudy/glmtools.git@master
+    - git+https://github.com/pytroll/satpy.git@master
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buildbucket/package.sh b/buildbucket/package.sh
index cffb35e89c680bee049c73ab5649537099ea57c3..4250d496a9aa818a403dcc15e6b61f1027278fb5 100755
--- a/buildbucket/package.sh
+++ b/buildbucket/package.sh
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ fi
@@ -53,20 +50,11 @@ which python
 conda info -a
 conda list --export
 echo "Version specified: ${version}"
-echo "lmatools reference: ${LMATOOLS_REF}"
-echo "glmtools reference: ${GLMTOOLS_REF}"
 # Turn on command printing here because we don't need all of the `conda`
 # internal bash commands to pollute our output
 set -x
-# Install glmtools and related packages
-# All dependencies should have been built with the buildbucket
-# Careful: Could result in missing dependencies but we want reproducibility
-pip install --no-deps git+https://github.com/deeplycloudy/lmatools.git@${LMATOOLS_REF}
-pip install --no-deps git+https://github.com/deeplycloudy/stormdrain.git
-pip install --no-deps git+${GLMTOOLS_REPOS}@${GLMTOOLS_REF}
 # get the current packages files
 # if the caller mounted the repository already then use that
@@ -76,19 +64,20 @@ fi
 # Build a tarball version of the current conda environment
 # TODO: Add conda cleanup commands similar to what Polar2Grid uses to save space
 conda clean -ay  # remove unnecessary things from conda environment
 conda pack --n-threads $(nproc) -n build -o ${conda_tb}
 # Build up our package directory
 mkdir -p ${pkg_name}
 cd ${pkg_name}
-mkdir -p bin opt/conda
+mkdir -p bin libexec/python_runtime
 # Copy package scripts/data to package directory
 cp $GGLM_DIR/bin/* ./bin/
+cp $GGLM_DIR/libexec/* ./libexec/
 # Untar the tarball so we can put things where we want
-tar -xz -C ./opt/conda -f ../${conda_tb}
+tar -xz -C ./libexec/python_runtime -f ../${conda_tb}
 # Go back to original work directory
 cd ..
diff --git a/gridded_glm/PACKAGE_README.md b/gridded_glm/PACKAGE_README.md
index c04e3534941e05fc15aa6e571f9ccc3dfe096a21..98db29de7c9c4b2e606e2437f945df413773fb4d 100644
--- a/gridded_glm/PACKAGE_README.md
+++ b/gridded_glm/PACKAGE_README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
 # CSPP Geo Gridded GLM
\ No newline at end of file
+The following scripts are located in the `bin/` directory.
+A simple wrapper around cspp-geo-gglm-minute-gridder.sh that takes a single input file and:
+1) determines if it is the last file in a minute
+2) if so, finds all files from that minute and passes them to cspp-geo-gglm-minute-gridder.sh
+3) creates both grids and tiles for that minute
+This script creates one minute grids from any number of input files.
+A wrapper for the `make_GLM_grids.py` "kitchen sink" example script provided by glmtools.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gridded_glm/bin/make_glm_grids.sh b/gridded_glm/bin/cspp-geo-gglm-make-grids.sh
similarity index 92%
rename from gridded_glm/bin/make_glm_grids.sh
rename to gridded_glm/bin/cspp-geo-gglm-make-grids.sh
index d844d9197a15fcb15ebdbecaf3d3fced13ed9cf7..f0e536213b20577bc44266cb9de0fc83076db11f 100755
--- a/gridded_glm/bin/make_glm_grids.sh
+++ b/gridded_glm/bin/cspp-geo-gglm-make-grids.sh
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ if [ -z "$CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME" ]; then
 # Setup necessary environments
-source $CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/bin/env.sh
+source $CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/libexec/env.sh
 # Call the python module to do the processing, passing all arguments
-python3 $CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/bin/_make_glm_grids.py "$@"
+python3 $CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/libexec/_make_glm_grids.py "$@"
diff --git a/gridded_glm/bin/cspp-geo-gglm-minute-gridder.sh b/gridded_glm/bin/cspp-geo-gglm-minute-gridder.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f554eecea91d3c94d8b2d5c4edbfe48b65a22ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gridded_glm/bin/cspp-geo-gglm-minute-gridder.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC),
+#  University of Wisconsin-Madison.
+#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#     (at your option) any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# This file is part of the CSPP Geo Gridded GLM software package. CSPP Geo
+# Gridded GLM takes GOES GLM Level 2 LCFA files and grids them to the ABI
+# fixed grid. It does this using the open source glmtools python package by
+# Eric Bruning.
+if [ -z "$CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME" ]; then
+  export CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME="$( cd -P "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && cd .. && pwd )"
+# Setup necessary environments
+source $CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/libexec/env.sh
+# Call the python module to do the processing, passing all arguments
+python3 $CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/libexec/_minute_gridder.py "$@"
diff --git a/gridded_glm/bin/cspp-geo-gglm-trio-picker.sh b/gridded_glm/bin/cspp-geo-gglm-trio-picker.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..034851efa97cfe85e4b638b4f7ec737238486f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gridded_glm/bin/cspp-geo-gglm-trio-picker.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# encoding: utf-8
+if [ -z "$CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME" ]; then
+  export CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME="$( cd -P "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && cd .. && pwd )"
+# Setup necessary environments
+source $CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/libexec/env.sh
+# Call the python module to do the processing, passing all arguments
+python3 $CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/libexec/_glm_trio_picker.py "$@"
diff --git a/gridded_glm/libexec/_glm_trio_picker.py b/gridded_glm/libexec/_glm_trio_picker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01fcde73cc21b5479755c5d9adeb20c83911d328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gridded_glm/libexec/_glm_trio_picker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+import os
+from glob import glob
+from datetime import datetime
+import subprocess
+from glmtools.io.glm import parse_glm_filename
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # FIXME: handle args better if this goes beyond my testing
+    _, glmfile = sys.argv
+# bad (start of period)
+#    glmfile = '/scratch/nickb/cspp-geo-grb-1.0/output/product/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20210131854000_e20210131854204_c20210131854225.nc'
+# good (end of period)
+#    glmfile = '/scratch/nickb/cspp-geo-grb-1.0/output/product/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20210131854400_e20210131855004_c20210131855027.nc'
+#    glmfile = '/data/users/nickb/cspp-geo-gridded-glm/testing/2020-11-05/CLASS/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529400_e20203101530004_c20203101530021.nc'
+    # check that glmfile is actually a GLM file
+    glminfo = parse_glm_filename(os.path.basename(glmfile))
+    filename_starts = glminfo[3]
+    filename_ends = glminfo[4]
+    # if this isn't the last file of the minute, exit
+    if filename_starts.second != 40:
+        print("This is not the last GLM file from this minute. Exiting.")
+        exit(0)
+    # if this is the last file of the minute, grab all files of the minute (three)
+    # example trio:
+    # OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529000_e20203101529205_c20203101529215.nc
+    # OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529200_e20203101529405_c20203101529430.nc
+    # OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529400_e20203101530004_c20203101530021.nc
+    globstring = "{}_{}_{}_s{}*".format(glminfo[0], glminfo[1], glminfo[2], glminfo[3].strftime("%Y%j%H%M"))
+    fileglob = glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(glmfile), globstring))
+    print("Gridding {} files".format(len(fileglob)))
+    # and run gridded glm a'la:
+    #    minute_gridder.sh \
+    #     --goes-position auto --goes-sector full \
+    #     --create-tiles \
+    #     ./2020-11-05/CLASS/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529000_e20203101529205_c20203101529215.nc \
+    #     ./2020-11-05/CLASS/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529200_e20203101529405_c20203101529430.nc \
+    #     ./2020-11-05/CLASS/OR_GLM-L2-LCFA_G16_s20203101529400_e20203101530004_c20203101530021.nc
+    subprocess.run(["cspp-geo-gglm-minute-gridder.sh",
+                    "--goes-position", "auto",
+                    "--goes-sector", "full",
+                    "--create-tiles",
+                    fileglob[0], fileglob[1], fileglob[2]]
+    )
diff --git a/gridded_glm/bin/_make_glm_grids.py b/gridded_glm/libexec/_make_glm_grids.py
similarity index 100%
rename from gridded_glm/bin/_make_glm_grids.py
rename to gridded_glm/libexec/_make_glm_grids.py
diff --git a/gridded_glm/libexec/_minute_gridder.py b/gridded_glm/libexec/_minute_gridder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b4709055d40849f64fd8912291a63c1358f2aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gridded_glm/libexec/_minute_gridder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Based on https://github.com/deeplycloudy/glmtools/blob/master/examples/grid/make_GLM_grids.py
+parse_desc = """Grid the past X minutes of GLM flash data, given a single input file.
+import numpy as np
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import atexit
+from glob import glob
+#from multiprocessing import freeze_support # https://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html#multiprocessing.freeze_support
+from functools import partial
+from lmatools.grid.make_grids import write_cf_netcdf_latlon, write_cf_netcdf_noproj, write_cf_netcdf_fixedgrid
+from lmatools.grid.make_grids import dlonlat_at_grid_center, grid_h5flashfiles
+from glmtools.grid.make_grids import grid_GLM_flashes
+from glmtools.io.glm import parse_glm_filename
+from lmatools.grid.fixed import get_GOESR_grid, get_GOESR_coordsys
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def create_parser():
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=parse_desc)
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbosity', action="count", default=0,
+                        help='each occurrence increases verbosity 1 level through ERROR-WARNING-INFO-DEBUG (default INFO)')
+    parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', dest="log_fn", default=None,
+                        help="specify the log filename")
+    # from Requirements: "Output is Gridded GLM in the native glmtools NetCDF4 format, with a user option to produce AWIPS-compatible NetCDF tiles as described below"
+    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', metavar='output directory',
+                        default=os.getcwd())
+    parser.add_argument('--goes-sector', default="full",
+                        help="One of [full|conus|meso]. "
+                             "Requires goes_position. If sector is "
+                             "meso, ctr_lon and ctr_lat are interpreted as "
+                             "the ctr_x and ctr_y of the fixed grid")
+    parser.add_argument('--goes-position', default="auto",
+                        help="One of [east|west|test|auto]. "
+                             "Requires '--goes-sector'.")
+    parser.add_argument("-t", "--create-tiles", default=False, action='store_true',
+                        help="create AWIPS-compatible tiles") # FIXME: improve this help text
+    parser.add_argument('--ctr-lat', metavar='latitude',
+                        type=float, help='center latitude (required for meso)')
+    parser.add_argument('--ctr-lon', metavar='longitude',
+                        type=float, help='center longitude (required for meso)')
+    # from Requirements: "Input is one or more GLM LCFA (L2+) files in mission standard format (nominally three 20-second input files)"
+    parser.add_argument(dest='filenames', metavar='filename', nargs='+')
+    return parser
+old arguments for reference
+FIXME: remove this whole comment once everything is working
+    parser.add_argument('--dx', metavar='km',
+                        default=10.0, type=float,
+                        help='approximate east-west grid spacing')
+    parser.add_argument('--dy', metavar='km',
+                        default=10.0, type=float,
+                        help='approximate north-south grid spacing')
+    parser.add_argument('--dt', metavar='seconds',
+                        default=60.0, type=float,
+                        help='frame duration')
+    parser.add_argument('--width', metavar='distance in km',
+                        default=400.0,
+                        type=float, help='total width of the grid')
+    parser.add_argument('--height', metavar='distance in km',
+                        default=400.0,
+                        type=float, help='total height of the grid')
+    parser.add_argument('--nevents', metavar='minimum events per flash',
+                        type=int, dest='min_events', default=1,
+                        help='minimum number of events per flash')
+    parser.add_argument('--ngroups', metavar='minimum groups per flash',
+                        type=int, dest='min_groups', default=1,
+                        help='minimum number of groups per flash')
+    parser.add_argument('--subdivide-grid', metavar='sqrt(number of subgrids)',
+                        type=int, default=1,
+                        help="subdivide the grid this many times along "
+                             "each dimension")
+def get_resolution(args):
+    closest_resln = 2.0 # hardcoding resolution to 2.0 for now. see nearest_resolution in make_glm_grids for how we could expose this if we change our minds.
+    resln = '{0:4.1f}km'.format(closest_resln).replace(' ', '')
+    return resln
+# if provided "auto" position, we determine the sensor from the filename
+def get_goes_position(filenames):
+    if all("_G16_" in f for f in filenames):
+        return "east"
+    if all("_G17_" in f for f in filenames):
+        return "west"
+    # we require that all files are from the same sensor and raise an exception if not
+    raise ValueError("position 'auto' but could not determine position - did you provide a mix of satellites?")
+def get_start_end(filenames, start_time=None, end_time=None):
+    """Compute start and end time of data based on filenames."""
+    base_filenames = [os.path.basename(p) for p in filenames]
+    filename_infos = [parse_glm_filename(f) for f in base_filenames]
+    # opsenv, algorithm, platform, start, end, created = parse_glm_filename(f)
+    filename_starts = [info[3] for info in filename_infos]
+    filename_ends = [info[4] for info in filename_infos]
+    start_time = min(filename_starts)
+    # Used to use max(filename_ends), but on 27 Oct 2020, the filename
+    # ends started to report the time of the last event in the file,
+    # causing a slight leakage (usually less than a second) into the
+    # next minute. This caused two minutes of grids to be produced for every
+    # three twenty second files passed to this script.
+    # Instead, we now assume every LCFA file is 20 s long, beginning with
+    # the start time. No doubt in the future we will see filenames that no
+    # longer start on an even minute boundary.
+    end_time = max(filename_starts) + timedelta(0, 20)
+    if start_time is None or end_time is None:
+        raise ValueError("Could not determine start/end time")
+    return start_time, end_time
+def grid_setup(args, work_dir=os.getcwd()):
+    # When passed None for the minimum event or group counts, the gridder will skip
+    # the check, saving a bit of time.
+    min_events = None
+    min_groups = None
+    try:
+        start_time, end_time = get_start_end(args.filenames)
+    except ValueError:
+        log.error("Non-standard filenames provided, use --start and --end to specify data times.")
+        raise
+    base_date = datetime(start_time.year, start_time.month, start_time.day)
+    proj_name = 'geos'
+    outputpath = os.path.join(work_dir, "{dataset_name}") # GLMTools expects a template in addition to the path
+    if args.goes_position == "auto":
+        goes_position = get_goes_position(args.filenames)
+    else:
+        goes_position = args.goes_position
+    resln = get_resolution(args)
+    view = get_GOESR_grid(position=goes_position,
+                          view=args.goes_sector,
+                          resolution=resln)
+    nadir_lon = view['nadir_lon']
+    dx = dy = view['resolution']
+    nx, ny = view['pixelsEW'], view['pixelsNS']
+    geofixcs, grs80lla = get_GOESR_coordsys(sat_lon_nadir=nadir_lon)
+    if 'centerEW' in view:
+        x_ctr, y_ctr = view['centerEW'], view['centerNS']
+    elif args.goes_sector == 'meso':
+        # use ctr_lon, ctr_lat to get the center of the mesoscale FOV
+        x_ctr, y_ctr, z_ctr = geofixcs.fromECEF(
+            *grs80lla.toECEF(args.ctr_lon, args.ctr_lat, 0.0))
+    else:
+        # FIXME: is it possible to get here? if so, what should happen?
+        raise RuntimeError
+    # Need to use +1 here to convert to xedge, yedge expected by gridder
+    # instead of the pixel centroids that will result in the final image
+    nx += 1
+    ny += 1
+    x_bnd = (np.arange(nx, dtype='float') - (nx) / 2.0) * dx + x_ctr + 0.5 * dx
+    y_bnd = (np.arange(ny, dtype='float') - (ny) / 2.0) * dy + y_ctr + 0.5 * dy
+    log.debug(("initial x,y_ctr", x_ctr, y_ctr))
+    log.debug(("initial x,y_bnd", x_bnd.shape, y_bnd.shape))
+    x_bnd = np.asarray([x_bnd.min(), x_bnd.max()])
+    y_bnd = np.asarray([y_bnd.min(), y_bnd.max()])
+    geofixcs, grs80lla = get_GOESR_coordsys(sat_lon_nadir=nadir_lon)
+    ctr_lon, ctr_lat, ctr_alt = grs80lla.fromECEF(
+        *geofixcs.toECEF(x_ctr, y_ctr, 0.0))
+    fixed_grid = geofixcs
+    log.debug((x_bnd, y_bnd, dx, dy, nx, ny))
+    output_writer = partial(write_cf_netcdf_fixedgrid, nadir_lon=nadir_lon)
+    gridder = grid_GLM_flashes
+    output_filename_prefix = 'GLM'
+    grid_kwargs = dict(proj_name=proj_name,
+                       base_date=base_date, do_3d=False,
+                       dx=dx, dy=dy, frame_interval=60.0,
+                       x_bnd=x_bnd, y_bnd=y_bnd,
+                       ctr_lat=ctr_lat, ctr_lon=ctr_lon, outpath=outputpath,
+                       min_points_per_flash=min_events,
+                       output_writer=output_writer, subdivide=1, # subdivide the grid this many times along each dimension
+                       output_filename_prefix=output_filename_prefix,
+                       output_kwargs={'scale_and_offset': False},
+                       spatial_scale_factor=1.0)
+    #if args.fixed_grid:
+    #    grid_kwargs['fixed_grid'] = True
+    #    grid_kwargs['nadir_lon'] = nadir_lon
+    # if args.split_events:
+    grid_kwargs['clip_events'] = True
+    if min_groups is not None:
+        grid_kwargs['min_groups_per_flash'] = min_groups
+    grid_kwargs['energy_grids'] = ('total_energy',)
+    if (proj_name == 'pixel_grid') or (proj_name == 'geos'):
+        grid_kwargs['pixel_coords'] = fixed_grid
+    grid_kwargs['ellipse_rev'] = -1  # -1 (default) = infer from date in each GLM file
+    return gridder, args.filenames, start_time, end_time, grid_kwargs
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+#    freeze_support() # nb. I don't think this is needed as we're not making windows execs at this time
+    parser = create_parser()
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # Configure logging
+    levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG]
+    logging.basicConfig(level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], filename=args.log_fn)
+    if levels[min(3, args.verbosity)] > logging.DEBUG:
+        import warnings
+        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
+    log.info("Starting GLM Gridding")
+    log.debug("Starting script with: %s", sys.argv)
+    # set up output dir
+    os.makedirs(args.output_dir, exist_ok=True)
+    # set up temporary dir
+    tempdir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=None, prefix="tmp-glm-grids-", dir=os.getcwd())
+    log.info("working in: {}".format(tempdir_path))
+    # clean our temporary dir on exit
+    atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, tempdir_path)
+    # do the gridding
+    gridder, glm_filenames, start_time, end_time, grid_kwargs = grid_setup(args, work_dir=tempdir_path)
+    gridder(glm_filenames, start_time, end_time, **grid_kwargs)
+    # pick up gridded files from the tempdir
+    # output looks like: OR_GLM-L2-GLMC-M3_G17_s20202691559400_e20202691600400_c20210120141010.nc
+    log.debug("gridded files in {}".format(tempdir_path))
+    gridded_path = os.path.join(tempdir_path, 'OR_GLM-L2-GLM?-M?_G??_s*_e*_c*.nc')
+    log.debug(gridded_path)
+    gridded_files = glob(gridded_path)
+    log.debug(gridded_files)
+    # (optionally) do tiling
+    if args.create_tiles:
+        from satpy import Scene
+        for gridded_file in gridded_files:
+            log.info("TILING: {}".format(gridded_files))
+            scn = Scene(reader='glm_l2', filenames=[gridded_file]) # n.b. satpy requires a list of filenames
+            scn.load([
+                'DQF',
+                'flash_extent_density',
+                'minimum_flash_area',
+                'total_energy',
+            ])
+            scn.save_datasets(writer='awips_tiled',
+                              template='glm_l2_radf', 
+                              sector_id="GOES_EAST", # sector_id becomes an attribute in the output files and may be another legacy kind of thing. I'm not sure how much is is actually used here.
+                              source_name="", # You could probably make source_name an empty string. I think it is required by the writer for legacy reasons but isn't actually used for the glm output
+                              base_dir=tempdir_path, # base_dir is the output directory. I think blank is the same as current directory.
+                              tile_size=(506, 904), # tile_size is set to the size of the GLMF sample tiles we were given and should match the full disk ABI tiles which is what they wanted
+                              check_categories=False) # check_categories is there because of that issue I mentioned where DQF is all valid all the time so there is no way to detect empty tiles unless we ignore the "category" products
+    # pick up output files from the tempdir
+    # output looks like: OR_GLM-L2-GLMC-M3_G17_T03_20200925160040.nc
+    log.debug("files in {}".format(tempdir_path))
+    log.debug(os.listdir(tempdir_path))
+    log.debug("moving output to {}".format(args.output_dir))
+    tiled_path = os.path.join(tempdir_path, 'OR_GLM-L2-GLM?-M?_G??_T??_*.nc')
+    tiled_files = glob(tiled_path)
+    for f in tiled_files:
+        shutil.move(f, os.path.join(args.output_dir, os.path.basename(f)))
+    for f in gridded_files:
+        shutil.move(f, os.path.join(args.output_dir, os.path.basename(f)))
+    # tempdir cleans itself up via atexit, above
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gridded_glm/bin/env.sh b/gridded_glm/libexec/env.sh
similarity index 93%
rename from gridded_glm/bin/env.sh
rename to gridded_glm/libexec/env.sh
index 0bcdaa0e140715af486ca32e37b107afd35a6a7a..6ee195beffbd127147741e83f85e70aebb6dc23e 100644
--- a/gridded_glm/bin/env.sh
+++ b/gridded_glm/libexec/env.sh
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ fi
-export PATH=$PATH:$CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/bin:$CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/opt/conda/bin
\ No newline at end of file
+export PATH=$CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/bin:$CSPP_GEO_GGLM_HOME/libexec/python_runtime/bin:$PATH
\ No newline at end of file