from __future__ import print_function from scipy.signal import periodogram import pandas as pd import numpy as np from import housekeeping from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import os WIN_SIZE = 40 DETECTOR_TEMP_KEY = 'detectorTemp' TIME_WINDOW = (60,600) #seconds MIN_AMP = .02 WIN_TYPE = 'blackmanharris' def sig_finder_function(rolling_window,**kwargs): """Function applied to detectorTemp dataset with pd.rolling_apply Calculates the dominant period and """ #calculate the time difference and average frequency nsamples = rolling_window.size times = pd.Series(rolling_window.index) win_type = kwargs.get('win_type',WIN_TYPE) try: #get the time span covered by the window dt = (times.iloc[-1] - times.iloc[0]).seconds except AttributeError: #catch NaT indicies return np.nan else: #compute the dominant frequency/period fs = nsamples/dt f, Pxx_den = periodogram(rolling_window,fs,window=win_type) max_i = Pxx_den.argmax() if f[max_i] != 0: primary_T = 1./f[max_i] else: primary_T = float("inf") return primary_T def series_rolling_apply(series,window,func,**kwargs): """rolling applies function to series by passing subsection of series, rather than np array """ #lambda to map the passed function to a rolling window map_f=lambda i:np.nan if i<window else func(series.iloc[i-window:i],**kwargs) return pd.Series(map(map_f,range(series.size)),index = series.index) def flag_detector_temp_oscillations(path_or_dmv,window_size = WIN_SIZE,std=10,**kwargs): """Performs power spectral density analysis on detector temperature, and flags the data if a consistent period is found """ #read in the housekeeping dataframe housekeeping_df = housekeeping.get_all_housekeeping(path_or_dmv) #get the detector temp variable detector_temp = housekeeping_df[DETECTOR_TEMP_KEY] #detrend by subtracting the day's mean detrend_dtemp = detector_temp - detector_temp.mean() #approximate periodicity in data using a rolling periodogram periods = series_rolling_apply(detrend_dtemp,window_size,sig_finder_function,**kwargs) #check for big spikes in the data (these throw off the periodogram) #currently disabled dtt_roller = detrend_dtemp.rolling(window_size) amps = False & ((dtt_roller.max()-dtt_roller.min()) > .2) #look for low standard deviation in the period (= a consistent periodicity) stds = series_rolling_apply(periods,window_size,lambda x:x.std() < std) #flag as bad if there's a consistent periodicity or large jump in the data flags = stds | amps return flags, periods def flatten_out(original_flags, pds): '''incrementing windows to help flatten out the 0/1 value as either 0 or 1; removes small blips ''' flags = original_flags.copy() values_dict = flags.value_counts() num_half_hour = int(len(flags)/48) curr_flags = [] std_data = {} std_data['curr_std'] = [] std_data['mean_std'] = [] std_data['mean'] = [] std_data['std_curr_std'] = [] std_data['std_mean_std'] = [] lower = 0 upper = 1 while upper <= len(flags): values_dict = original_flags[lower:upper].value_counts() if True in values_dict.keys(): mean = values_dict[True] / len(flags[lower:upper]) else: mean = 1 - (values_dict[False] / len(flags[lower:upper])) curr_std = np.std(pds[lower:upper]) mean_std = np.mean(pds[lower:upper]) std_data['mean'].append(mean) std_data['curr_std'].append(curr_std) std_data['mean_std'].append(mean_std) std_curr_std = np.std(std_data['curr_std'][lower:upper]) std_data['std_curr_std'].append(std_curr_std) std_mean_std = np.std(std_data['mean_std'][lower:upper]) std_data['std_mean_std'].append(std_mean_std) if std_mean_std < 20 or np.isnan(std_mean_std): flags[lower:upper] = flags[lower:upper].replace(False, True) else: flags[lower:upper] = flags[lower:upper].replace(True, False) upper += 1 if upper - lower > num_half_hour: lower += 1 new_flags = flags & (np.asarray(std_data['mean']) > 0.35) # new_flags = np.asarray(std_data['mean']) > 0.8 # fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(15,10),sharex=True) # plt.plot(flags) # plt.plot(new_flags) # # plt.clf() return new_flags, std_data def main(path): """Test function that displays detectorTemp alongside the computed flag using different windowing functions """ dmv = housekeeping.get_all_housekeeping(path) detector_temp = dmv[DETECTOR_TEMP_KEY] fig,ax = plt.subplots(5,figsize=(15,10),sharex=True)[0]) plt.plot(dmv['Time'],detector_temp,'r') # plt.ylim(76.9,77.6) plt.ylabel("Detector Temperature (K)") plt.grid() flags,pds = flag_detector_temp_oscillations(path,win_type=WIN_TYPE) flags, std_data = flatten_out(flags.copy(), pds)[1]) plt.plot(dmv['Time'],pds,lw=2,label=WIN_TYPE) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("Dominant Period (s)") #plt.legend()[2]) plt.plot(dmv['Time'],flags,lw=2,label=WIN_TYPE) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("Standard Deviation Flag") plt.xlabel("Time (Hours UTC)") plt.ylim(-0.1,1.1)[3]) plt.plot(dmv['Time'], np.asarray(std_data['mean'])) title = os.path.split(path)[-1][:6] plt.suptitle(title,fontsize=14)[4]) plt.plot(dmv['Time'], std_data['curr_std']) #blue plt.plot(dmv['Time'], std_data['mean_std']) #green plt.plot(dmv['Time'], std_data['std_curr_std']) #red plt.plot(dmv['Time'], std_data['std_mean_std']) print('title: ', title) plt.savefig("sgp_detect_pngs/detector_temp_flag_test_%s.png"%title,bbox_inches='tight') # plt.savefig("detector_temp_flag_test_%s_2.png"%title,bbox_inches='tight') # plt.clf() plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': from sys import argv import os import time start_time = time.time() pathname = argv[1] skip_num = 0 curr_num = 0 print('skip_num is ', skip_num) if os.path.isdir(pathname): for filename in os.listdir(pathname): full_path = pathname + '/' + filename if os.path.isdir(full_path): for fname in os.listdir(full_path): fuller_path = full_path + '/' + fname if os.path.isfile(fuller_path) and 'B1.CXS' in fname: if curr_num >= skip_num: main(fuller_path) curr_num += 1 print(curr_num, ': ', fuller_path) elif os.path.isfile(full_path) and 'B1.CXS' in filename: if curr_num >= skip_num: main(full_path) curr_num += 1 print(curr_num, ': ', filename) else: main(pathname) print('execution time: %d minute(s), %.2f second(s)' % ((time.time()-start_time)//60, (time.time()-start_time)%60))