import os import argparse import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import arange from import housekeeping def main(path, bounds = None): #plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [25, 15] data = housekeeping.get_all_housekeeping(path) if bounds != None: data = data[(data['Time'] > bounds[0]) & (data['Time'] < bounds[1])] variables = ['BBsupportStructureTemp', 'HBBapexTemp', 'HBBbottomTemp', 'HBBtopTemp', 'ABBapexTemp', 'ABBbottomTemp', 'ABBtopTemp', 'airNearBBsTemp', 'SCEtemp', 'sceneMirrorPosition'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(variables),figsize=(25,15),sharex=True) for x,v in enumerate(variables): name = v + ' '*30[x]) plt.grid() #ax = plt.subplot(len(vars), 1, x+1) plt.xticks(arange(0,25)) #ax.grid(True) plt.ylabel(name, rotation=0) plt.plot(data['Time'], data[v]) '''[0]) plt.plot(data['Time'], data['BBsupportStructureTemp'])[1]) plt.plot(dmv['Time'], data['sceneMirrorPosition']) ''' plt.savefig('/Users/adiebold/aeri_quality_control/testing/testing_bst/graphs/sgp_' + path[-12:-6] + '.png') # plt.savefig('/Users/adiebold/aeri_quality_control/testing/bst_' + path[-12:-6] + '.png') # print('/Users/adiebold/aeri_quality_control/testing/testing_bst/graphs/HBB' + path[-12:-6] + '.png') # plt.clf() if __name__ == '__main__': ''' files = (['151130', (9, 13)], ['151201', (18, 20)], ['151202', (7, 11)], ['151205', (9, 11)], ['151207', (9, 11)]) for f in files: f[0] = 'awr/AE' + f[0] + '/' + f[0] + 'B1.CXS' main(f[0], f[1]) ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('filepath') args = parser.parse_args() print(args.filepath) #amount of files to skip skip_num = 85 curr_num = 0 print('skip_num = ', skip_num, '\n') if os.path.isdir(args.filepath): for filename_1 in os.listdir(args.filepath): filename_1 = args.filepath + '/' + filename_1 filename_1 = filename_1.replace('//', '/') if os.path.isdir(filename_1): for filename_2 in os.listdir(filename_1): filename_2 = filename_1 + '/' + filename_2 filename_2 = filename_2.replace('//', '/') if (os.path.isfile(filename_2) and filename_2.endswith('B1.CXS')): curr_num += 1 if curr_num >= skip_num: print(curr_num, ': ', filename_2) main(filename_2) else: print(curr_num, ': ', filename_2, ' -- SKIPPED') elif os.path.isfile(filename_1) and filename_1.endswith('B1.CXS'): curr_num += 1 if curr_num >= skip_num: print(curr_num, ': ', filename_1) main(filename_1) else: print(curr_num, ': ', filename_1, ' -- SKIPPED') elif os.path.isfile(args.filepath): if args.filepath.endswith('B1.CXS'): print(args.filepath) main(args.filepath)