1/2008 INSTALLING on Linux On a bog-standard linux box, type "make" in the grib2 directory. If all goes well, you will get the wgrib2 program in wgrib2/wgrib2. Most of the problems are caused by missing packages. The missing packages could include gcc, make, the developement png library and the development z library. Note, you need the development png and z libraries because they include the headers. I you don't have the png and z libraries, you can try make -f makefile_all_libs and it may work. It is hard to test this configuration as I don't have a system with both png and z libraries missing. INSTALLING on windows XP On the cygwin development system, you need to install many packages. Please install the jasper library because the included jasper source code has some problems compiling. Once the makefile points to the pre-compiled jasper headers/library, the code can be compiled. See makefile_sys_jasper. INSTALLING on FreeBSD Try make -f makefile_all_libs. INSTALLING on Apple OS-X Has been done. No details. INSTALLING on AIX Has been done. No details. Comments Netcdf The netcdf library is included with this distribution. The library is compiled in enable-C-only mode only so it may not be that useful for generic code. So you can change the makefiles to point to a pre-existing netcdf library if desired. Problems 1) compiling jasper 2) compiling netcdf 3) missing libraries (png, z) These are problems best addressed by someone who knows the system. For example if you have Linux distribution, XYZ, you would be wise to consult a computer savy person familiar with XYZ.